Hello Xbox lads! I bought an Xbox360 February 5 months ago and are extremely happy with it. I only got Gears of War atm and already borrowing 2 games from a rl friend (Rainbow Six Vegas & PDZ ). I have never been interested in playing online since i refuse to pay monthly fee (And i know it is worth it). Anyway like i said i have never paid any attention to the Xbox live community. My friend don't know what it really is aswell since he don't really pay attention to the Xbox Live Community aswell just like me.
So here is my question:
From what i have understand, ''Archievement'' is something you unlock by playing certain games. Finding secret, kill boss 3x times and do other ''wacky'' stuff. So, i have heard there are gamer points and Microsoft points. Forget Microsoft Points i already know what that is for, but what can i really use this ''Gamer Point'' for, which i gain from Archievements ? And how do i use it?
Anyway i appreciate for any positive responds and i apologize for my bad english since english is my second language, norway is first :)
*Gets ready to be flamed*
Best Regards Welis
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