It seems to me that we are inching slowly to a point were there may be nudity in more and more games. Now my point of view on this is .Why!? I do not play games to see nude scenes. If I want to see that there are other means to do so. I'm not a prude. I'm all for nakedbut It just dose not fit in gaming. I chuckle in my recliner if I see boobies in a game but at the end of the day if they were not in the game it wold not change the gaming experience. So why add them? Well usually to get people to buy lesser games just for the brief glimpse of nudity. People who are most likely under age. Granted I'm 32.If I were 13 maybe I'd be all about the occasional boobies.However I'm talking about adult games for adult gamers. As an adult is this something that you are interested in seeing more in games? If so why?
Also I'm only calling out 360 on this because I want to ask the 360 community.That community is the one I game with.If the other consoles want to do it that's fine.I don't play them.
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