On Oblivion, I went at Midnight to try and join the Thieves Guild. I didn't really know what to do for a minute then I did know. I tried to get the diary but that Methedral got it and shes not even handed it in yet and its been like 100 days on Oblivion. Everytime I go up to her, she just says "I've got the diary and I'll take it to Armand as soon as possible, don't even try to steal it off me because it's well hidden". I tried to pickpocket her but it never let me get the diary.
How do I start this Thieves Guild task all over again?
I remember this initiation mission, and its a shame because the thieves guild is the most interesting in my opinion, after the Dark brotherhood. The best thing to do would be to start a new game but keep your current one and play two characters along side each other. Design your new character to be a thief and as for your current, make him go a different path, such as the brotherhood, mages guild or fighters guild. You will not be able to get the diary back now and I dont know why she hasnt given it in yet. try stealing some more things and you may recieve another message from the Gray Fox, or maybe not....But I know for sure, you have failed the initiation and she will not give up the diary..However, unless ud saved it before you started which then you could just load up again...Now you know where the diary is, get to the house first, kill her before she gets the diary, then theres nothing for u to worry about. I am aware that it is only Methedral who finds the house, so you dont have alot of competition.
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