I'm back with a vengence! down with TOR! Lol. KorruptRaiden I hear you mate, honestly the thing is with KOTOR is the gameplay is completely fine all we want is a new story, characters, weapons, side quests and as much as they can possibly put on a disc and name it KOTOR3. Lol. Honestly the game was meant for X360, you could just imagine all the stuff they could add to it and the story they could make.stike22
yeah all i want is a deeper and more immersive story with more interaction between every single character, also the option to kill whoever i want ( :twisted: except party members, well maybe them to), customization for at least my characters face and hair and the option for gnarly sith tats like the sith academy master lol, more variety in swords and guns (they all look the same theres only a few actual models and a few different colors its bland), tons of npc faces, options for hoods (including non robed jedi and sith robes like the sith had in kotor 1, options for how your character ends up looking over time when going to the dark side, new combat system (my idea would involve using (for the 360 control scheme) the a, b, x, and y buttons for attacks like the critical strike is activated by one button, the flurry attack is activated by a different button, and the frontflip attack (forgot the name lol) another, and lastly the other remaining button for force attacks, but you would pause for it and then select whichever one you want. just an idea.), more force user clothing, wicked looking masks, the environments should be more open not as big as oblivion but not where it feels so small like the last two, option for armor over force user robes and tunics etc. and lastly but most importantly more than 20 level ups, its impossible for me to get all the force powers and feats i want, since it wouldnt be an mmo it wouldnt matter if you could level up alot throughout the story.
for story setting it would be cool to be able to actually full on join which side you want to allign yourself with, i hated being labeled as a republic guy the whole time i wanted to be known as an actual sith, commanding troops in battles could be cool like having an actual rank in whatever side i'm on, also i dont really want the story to be so clear and short, like in the first two you had really clear goals, kill malak or kill a few sith lords, i dont have any actual ideas myself but just a much longer story and bigger environment to play in would be great, thats all i can think of right now but seriously i bet all that and more could be in the game if it was on the 360.
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