[QUOTE="greenghost123"] PDZ sold fairly well, and Perfect Dark is a cult classic, and got rave reviews, so you'd think that'd be a prime candidate for XBLA. Unfortuanatly I just realized that in order to get it they would need an N64 emulater to run it on the 360 and try to enchance it. They could try remaking it but that would cost money and it would need a graphics overhal (people wouldn't stand for n64 graphics) so it probably won't happen seeing how PDZ didn't sell THAT well.
Why would the game need a graphics overhaul? Most people dislike when old great games gets "enchanced graphics". One thing that made Perfect Dark great was the graphics at the time so if your trying to remember the great times wouldn't you want to play the same game?
There were rumors of PDZ 2 (or Perfect Dark 2... which one i don't remember) and why would Microsoft not want to bring a game that was raved as one of the best N64 games? Think about it... How long would it take to emulate Perfect Dark? How long would it take to make a new game that has a probably of not selling well? Perfect Dark WILL sell because it is a classic, but PDZ 2 may not because PDZwasn't all that good.
You must understand that Rare isn't microsoft's biggest money maker and not even close to their second. Of course that isn't actually all Rare's fault because Microsoft is using them as their casual game developer (hence Viva Pinata and Banjo) and Kameo). Xbox has never been known for casual games so lack of sales were likely to happen.
The time it would take to get Perfect Dark working on XBLA would probably be great compared to another game that may not sell well (Viva Pinata: Party Animals anyone?).
I'm not saying it will happen, but it has a better chance to happen then not unless legal things block its way.
Yeah, but once again they would need an n64 emulator (which Nintendo would not give) to MS so that Rare or some other developer can enhance the game (online play, acheivements) Since they don't, they'll need to work from scratch witch will cost money and weather people admit it or not, they like pretty graphics so while their remaking Perfect Dark on arcade they're going to need to rework the graphics as well. And as you've said, Rare is shooting for the casuals, and PD is by no means a casual game. Some people would say Marathon is a game that isn't casual and is barely known, but it still made it on arcade. That's true, but it is in 2.5D and they had the code from Bungie to work with, so it wasn't a labor heavy game, plus it was deemed 'The Predecessor of Halo' and as we all know anything with that 4 letter word WILL sell.
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