I'm sure this question has been addressed more than enough time, but bear with me if you like, and give some feedback.
I know the feedback system on XBL allows we civil gamers to "report" abuse in any of its myriad of forms, but the result is never satysfying to the decent, paying customers: "A-Hole X" cusses people out, cheats, gives female gamers hell and drops N-bombs as often as conjunctions, gets reported and his account is eventually banned. A-Hole X then gets another 3-month membership, calls it "A-Hole X2" and is clean-slated to beginning another (albeit short-lived) reign of terror.
Call me crazy, but seeing as our Xboxes are serialized (hence unique,) wouldn't the proper punishment be to BAN THE XBOX off of XBL after, say, three offenses leading to suspension?
As it stands, the jerks that make gaming a chore to be tolerated for the rest of us who only want to have fun aren't really punished. They create these faux accounts with free-memberships and have no other purpose than to get on and cause grief; there's no real "cost" to them save the trip to a Game Stop to grab another eight-buck liscence to be a pain in the arse. But, if they knew that after so many times, eventually their Xbox would be cut off PERMANENTLY form XBL, and it'd take another investment of $400 to get back in the game, they might think twice before "questioning another gamer's sexuality" or "using Cival War era language" and stay their tongues a bit, making XBL a much more civilized place anyone can enjoy.
I know of several people who love to play online, but opt out of XBL simply becuase 9 times outta 10, they end up dealing with pointless, irritating, ignorant verbal assaults. My guess is M$ would earn a lot more money if those on the outside looking in considering a memebership knew XBL was a decent fun place to play. The griefers they'd lose have to be a minority as most of my experiences in lobbies have been ONE or TWO person raining hell on the 7, 11 or 15 others. I'm sure the griefers weighing their options, (banned for stupidity or gaming online like a normal person,) would choose to bite their tongues and continue to play... at least a little more humanely.
Yes, I'm aware of the various "Zones" we can opt to play it, and yes, I'm aware that Underground is slated for those who aren't as feignt of heart, but even in there, certain things just aren't passable in decent society, virtual or otherwise. Trust me, I'm known to drop the occasional F-bomb or S word, and out of RESPECT, I game Underground, my words are never directed at anyone, I don't go out of my way to report one or two "bad words," and I'm always on to have fun first and foremost. I pay to be on XBL just like everyone else; I shouldn't have to defend my ethnicity against ignorance; woman shouldn't have to tolerate verbal groping and molestation; cheatings isn't fun for anyone save the cheater.
Why not cut the jerks off completely to show them that XBL is just as public a forum as say the local mall or restaurant where such outburst and violence (essentially) are not "OK?"
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