I will probably wait for reviews, maybe buy it new on the first few days or so, or get it somewhere cheap like ebay for 50 bucks. But I'm def not pre-ordering it. MW2 was my first pre-order, its the first game that I waited in line in front of Gamestop at 9pm just so I can play it as early as I can. But I was disappointed. I have been playing since released, finished campaign on veteran, did more than half on Spec Ops veteran, and put more than 50 hours into multiplayer. The single player was ok, spec ops were fun only before you beat them, multiplayer is where I started to dislike MW2 and Activision. MW2 is glitched, imbalanced and the overall gameplay felt very different from CoD4. There are many campers, due to the majority of the maps are like Chinatown in CoD4 that consists of many buildings and hiding spots. And killing and getting killed are faster. Which overall, due to campers, glitches, balancing issues, MW2 felt like cheap kills all around, not only I get cheap deaths, I don't feel rewarding when I get a kill, because I know it was cheap. IGN mentioned that IW is going to have a big patch on MW2, fixing numerous glitches and other stuff. Though it is always good they are fixing something, any game that needs to be patched, especially "big", means the product is rushed. My friend told me maybe I'm just extremely unlucky to be spawned right infront of enemies' sight 4 times in a row, but CoD4 was never like that. Remembering how CoD4 was nearly perfect, it just saddens me when I play MW2.
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