"Now I agree with your post.. We all understand that yes the systems are touching and yes there are a decent amount of people out there that have had problems including me. When people post things that say MS said "all their system are faulty" is crazy to me..If that was the case MS would do a recall on the systems..If they did not they would get hit with tones of lawsuits..I also played the crap out of that system that broke on memaybe there was a defect in that box..I also purchased a second 360 so my wife can play the games she like in another room..."
Here's another point of view on that.
MS built a machine that does have design flaws across the board, meaning every system.
Whether it be the soldier they used or the placement of the capacitors, or even the size of there heat sink. Knowing they have a flaw that has a good chance of red lighting everyones systems they have two options. Either do a recall... ie.. huge money, bigger than the 1 billion they are already willing to fork out. Or extend the warranty to a healthy amount of time and hope that a good percentage of the systems they have out get lucky and don't fail before something else not covered goes wrong, or the consumer moves on to another console. Trust me they'de much rather repair your console and charge you because little timmy dumped a glass of water on his brothers 360 than to repair it for a recall.
At this point I think MS could indeed say the system has a potential to fail and not get hit with lawsuits because they are being proactive and extending the warranty to so long. They just go to court and say your honor, we extended the warranty a full 3 years to cover this already because we recogonized it as a very real potential problem.
The math would be something like this:
Issue a recall and fix every single machine out there. Which in turn would kill consumer confidance in the 360 and MS's future machines
Offer a 3 year warranty and roll the dice on how many machines will actually fail and only pay to repair that many. All the while looking like a good guy and also not really letting out the severity of the problem.
Beyond that if they did own up to a full fledged recall of every single system out there consumer confidance would plummet far far lower than it is now. They choose to take the road that looks like they are being generous, to do a recall would look them make cheap and out for a quick buck just to save there butts.
It's called business.
Go ask Firestone how big of a hit they took when they did there tire recall.
Also I'm not saying MS has said it's an inherant design flaw to every system. I just wouldn't be surprised if that was the truth.
Make something on the cheap and you're bound to have problems. I know they aren't cheap to make, but maybe MS spent a little less money somewhere than it should have and now it's bitting them in the butt.
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