how many of you have actually even talked to a girl? I'm serious, you guys have like no life if you come on here. and sadly i dont either but i just thought i would ask. lol
Thats very stereo-typicall. I'll bet alot of people here have a wife or girlfriend. Myabe people just want tips for their system, but they probably still have a life. I'm in a band, still in school, and a job, Video games aren't everything, but they are amazing.
how many of you have actually even talked to a girl? I'm serious, you guys have like no life if you come on here. and sadly i dont either but i just thought i would ask. lolquicksilver24
I find that alittle offensive but I won't report it. Alas, I have talked to girls in real life and have talked to girls playing games on 360. I do have a life.
I come on Gamespot to browse around games and read news for upcoming hot titles and read people's review about them.The forumis the heart of a gamer's place where we talk and chat about things.. Maybe help out people that have problems.
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