What "bad" games (meaning low review scores) have you played that you have had a blast with?
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Too Human, Halo Wars, Dante's Inferno, Alpha Protocol all come to mind. Even if a game receives a low score, doesn't mean it should be ignored.
Ninety-Nine Nights. Amnesiac23going to have to agree there, bar at the end when i was just trying to get every char to level 9
The Dynasty Warriors series, Tenchu Z, Mercenaries 2, Lost Planet 2 and Aliens vs Predator. I had fun with every single one of those games even if they are bad.
I have been wanting to try Dante's Inferno. Some games come out and im excited to play but the rating gets low then i never touch em :(. Im thinking about just trying games on my own before i read the score :D
People, a 7 and up aren't bad scores. A 7 on GS is defined as good. Why so many of you are listing 7 games as bad shows the negative mentality of gamers perfectly. "If its not AA its bad", that's lame. A lot of the games you guys are listing are very good ones, this thread is about games worse than a 7 that are still quite fun to play.
As for me, going to have to go with Shadowrun. Seriously one of the most fun online games on the 360, and the only game that I am dumbfounded in regards to its consistently average scores. This game was AWESOME, and it required skill. Don't believe me? This game released in summer of 2007 to very little hype, sold 430k, and was disregarded as mediocre by critics. Despite all this, it retains an online community at any given time of day. You can find a match in seconds. Few games have that kind of staying power, Shadowrun is one of them. Seriously, guys, do yourself a favor and pick this game up. Its $5. That's a happy meal, and you'll be adding to the community by playing. DO IT.
People, a 7 and up aren't bad scores. A 7 on GS is defined as good. why so many of you are listing 7 games as bad shows the negative mentality of gamers perfectly. "If its not AA its bad", thats lame. A lot of the games you guys are listing are very good ones, this thread is about games worse than a 7 that are still quite fun to play. jamejameActually this thread shows a big flaw in scoring systems. To some people a 7 means decent and to others it means terrible. There are plenty of gamers that will not play games if they score below a 9 because they believe those games are bad. And can you really blame them? I mean the majority of game's score are between 7 - 10 (or in the top 25% of the rating scale). That is a small range with a lot of games of varying quality. Now I agree that 7+ means the game is good, but not everyone does. Games I would say are Halo Wars (really it got a 6.5 here?), Shadowrun, and Too Human, Ninety-Nine Nights, The Outfit (I bet nobody as even heard of this game), and Blue Dragon (I fully understand the hate, but I liked it). To be honest I had to look up the scores on all of these games (except Too Human) because I don't really pay attention to review scores.
I bought Terminator Salvation a couple of weeks ago, it is BAD & NO FUN, or as Trishka from Bulletstorm would say, it reeks of Sunbaked A--hole!
Transformers War For Cybertron got a pretty low score, but i have a blast with that game. Same with Shadowrun, it was very underrated too. but MOST of my games i own are pretty good (at least on the xbox360)
People, a 7 and up aren't bad scores. A 7 on GS is defined as good. Why so many of you are listing 7 games as bad shows the negative mentality of gamers perfectly. "If its not AA its bad", that's lame. A lot of the games you guys are listing are very good ones, this thread is about games worse than a 7 that are still quite fun to playjamejameAgreed. Also, I see a lot of people listing Halo Wars. Gamespot is one of the few places that gave it a mediocre score as it averages an 82 on metacritic.com and an 81.92% on gamerankings.com, hardly what I would call a bad game. As for me, I had quite a bit of fun with Lost Planet 2 and Aliens vs. Predator.
Timeshift, Hour of Victory, Halo Wars (even if above poster says it doesn't count). Despite what Gamespot may say about ratings (labeling a 7 good), a 7.0 is bad. When you were in school, did you want to get all C's?
Too Human, Alpha Protocol, Prototype (though that game did get slightly better reviews than the others).
But see, I picked up Dark Void on Amazon for $2.50.
That game got a low review score and it's just straight up not fun.
What do ya'll think of Dark Void?
But see, I picked up Dark Void on Amazon for $2.50.
That game got a low review score and it's just straight up not fun.
What do ya'll think of Dark Void?
For $2.50 it doesn't matter but you should always play the demo for games like that. The Dark Void demo just didn't feel right. Didn't like the game.I know it isn't, you know it isn't, you just didn't care for it and you were excited about it so now you bash it every chance you get. We understand, dude. You don't like Reach. Now let it go.the worst game a have ever played = HALO REACH
[QUOTE="shervin_ba13"]I know it isn't, you know it isn't, you just didn't care for it and you were excited about it so now you bash it every chance you get. We understand, dude. You don't like Reach. Now let it go.the worst game a have ever played = HALO REACH
That's personal opinion, though. Like me, for example. I think Oblivion was pretty bad, but it's a highly rated game. Not trying to start an argument though, but I'm just saying he's entitled to that.
To be honest? All of them. Whenever I have spare cash(and that isn't hard when they are two dollars) I buy a ton of "bad" games from a few years back. One of them being Cliver Barkers Jericho. It got a 6.5 on Gamespot, but for a few bucks, I definetly had a blast with it. It was a really cool concenpt, these people with super powers being part of CIA or w.e hunting down this monster. I don't think any game is truely bad. I think it was a great game, but only for the price. I wish they would put discounts on "bad" games.
[QUOTE="mohfrontline"]I heard Dante's Inferno is underrated._TheJoker_
It is.
Actually, it isn't so underrated.
I mean I got all achievements for it and everything and well the game really shines only in circles 1-5, 6-9 are pretty mediocore. I had fun with it but the replay value and the story are both very weak. I got it because I enjoyed the poem(or whatever its properly named) and it wasn't similar really.
Nevertheless, I'm glad to see shadowrun get some compliments. The game actually requires skill and its completely original.
[QUOTE="mohfrontline"] [QUOTE="Jagged3dge"]
[QUOTE="mohfrontline"]I heard Dante's Inferno is underrated.Jagged3dge
It is.
Actually, it isn't so underrated.
I mean I got all achievements for it and everything and well the game really shines only in circles 1-5, 6-9 are pretty mediocore. I had fun with it but the replay value and the story are both very weak. I got it because I enjoyed the poem(or whatever its properly named) and it wasn't similar really.
Nevertheless, I'm glad to see shadowrun get some compliments. The game actually requires skill and its completely original.
Regardless of your opinion, the game by majority is underrated and vastly revered as a ripoff....which it isn't. It's also good for a second playthrough.
It is.
Actually, it isn't so underrated.
I mean I got all achievements for it and everything and well the game really shines only in circles 1-5, 6-9 are pretty mediocore. I had fun with it but the replay value and the story are both very weak. I got it because I enjoyed the poem(or whatever its properly named) and it wasn't similar really.
Nevertheless, I'm glad to see shadowrun get some compliments. The game actually requires skill and its completely original.
Regardless of your opinion, the game by majority is underrated and vastly revered as a ripoff....which it isn't. It's also good for a second playthrough.
No, I mean that the game deserves its mediocore ratings
It is.
Actually, it isn't so underrated.
I mean I got all achievements for it and everything and well the game really shines only in circles 1-5, 6-9 are pretty mediocore. I had fun with it but the replay value and the story are both very weak. I got it because I enjoyed the poem(or whatever its properly named) and it wasn't similar really.
Nevertheless, I'm glad to see shadowrun get some compliments. The game actually requires skill and its completely original.
Regardless of your opinion, the game by majority is underrated and vastly revered as a ripoff....which it isn't. It's also good for a second playthrough.
Mercenaries 2, Lost Planet 2 VanillaFellaBefore I get started, is your avatar one of the characters from Rock 'n' Roll Racing from way back in the day? But on topic: Mercs 2, Lost Planet 2- both great games. GREAT, damn yous! Beyond that, I still love me some LotR: Conquest, WET, and I've been playing Terminator Salvation Co Op- it isn't great, but it's far from bad. I also recall lots of people ripping on GH: Van Halen when it came out- I loved that one, too. I also have an odd affinity for Viking: Battle for Asgard, Wanted: Weapons of Fate, and CONAN.
And I disagree with Dante's Inferno being good for a second playthrough.
Most people will find themselves wanting to play just to see what the next circle of Hell will look like; subsequently, after an entire playthrough its hard to push yourself to complete the game again.
Its just not one of those games that you beat and think, "Gee I can't wait to do this again."
Of course, I'm basing this off my experience, my brothers and some friends that I let borrow the game.
Not everyone is the same and I know that...8)
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