basically curious to get some feelings from everyone on the new maps coming out. do you prefer having the same maps at different times during the day or would you rather have completely new maps all together?
i guess i sway a little to both sides. itll be cool to play the 2 revised maps with different lighting i think but having to pay for the maps im not too hot on. i mean i already have them you know, a different daytime on them isnt really that a big a deal to me. i know there are 3 other completely new maps not to mention the 2 new gamemodes but i just think they should have those 2 maps seperate maybe idk. i really am not whining but id just like to get everyones opinion that cares to share it. i doubt its going to be a fortune anyway but again looking for opinions. ill def. get it as its my number one Live game right now.
Yeah, I'm not too thrilled about the "new lighting" either... I mean, it doesn't make that much of a difference. As you said, I'd prefer a new map altogether. At least there will be 3 totally new maps with this pack. 2 new gametypes too, which is pretty cool.
I wish they'd give single player or co-op maps instead of those boring multiplayer maps, that would also get them more $$$, check Oblivion as an example... multiplayer maps alone suck
wow 10 maps would have been crazy. that would have been a nice surprise also.
my opinion on the DLC is that the developers are clearly trying to implement DLC into their games early while the buzz about the games is still pretty fresh. i would be much more content with waiting a few more months and indeed maybe have 6+ new maps and 2 revised ones maybe. i appreciate the DLC for games i enjoy but i personally feel the whole map revision thing is kinda cuttin corners a bit for "new" content.
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