Because they are all cowards, and hide behind a microphone. Knowing, that if they said [put racist enuindo here] to their face, they would get messed up.
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Wow. that's original. You are only like the 4th or 5th person to say something like that. That still doesn't make it right.welcome to the world of online gaming
Not to condone it, but why complain about racism and then use a racial slur like redneck? Also how do you know 95% of them are white?
Good call. That was my exact thought as well. I was almost sympathetic until I read through his entire post. A racially insensitive person complaining about someone else being racially insensitive to him. What a tool.
I'm a white man and I have to deal with racism nearly every time I use my headset. The moment you try to talk, you become a target. That's what party chat is for.
For the TC, honestly I don't like that racism happens either (and I know it does). That said, I hear more black people using the N word than I do others, and I don't buy into the whole we can say it but you can't arguement at all. I can't think of any other word period that has race restrictions on it. In my opinion no one should be calling eachother the N word so...... I had this discussion with many of my friends that are black and we pretty much always end up on if they would go and call there grandparents the N word. 100% have said no to me which makes me wonder how they think it's ok to call each other that? Second and most important it gets said in front of my children several times a week and I don't feel it's right to have to punish them if they pick it up and start using it (although they wont ever be if I have anything to say about it) because they heard a black child say it and get away with it. I honestly can't imagine having to say "it's ok for that child to say the N word just look at the color of his skin, but for you no it's a very very very bad thing to say and it's pure hate speech."
I wish racist people would stop using the term just the same as I wish black people would. Sadly a black person using it on live or in public only exacerbates the issue.
Yeah I don't let that stuff get to me, because for every racial slur I get directed to me online; I get none tolded to me in real life.
Online anyone can say anything and get away with it scott free. Thats just how online works, your crazy if you think this only occurs on xbl. Honestly, we'd probably see some of it around here if this wasn't a heavy moderated site.
For the TC, honestly I don't like that racism happens either (and I know it does). That said, I hear more black people using the N word than I do others, and I don't buy into the whole we can say it but you can't arguement at all. I can't think of any other word period that has race restrictions on it. In my opinion no one should be calling eachother the N word so...... I had this discussion with many of my friends that are black and we pretty much always end up on if they would go and call there grandparents the N word. 100% have said no to me which makes me wonder how they think it's ok to call each other that? Second and most important it gets said in front of my children several times a week and I don't feel it's right to have to punish them if they pick it up and start using it (although they wont ever be if I have anything to say about it) because they heard a black child say it and get away with it. I honestly can't imagine having to say "it's ok for that child to say the N word just look at the color of his skin, but for you no it's a very very very bad thing to say and it's pure hate speech."
I wish racist people would stop using the term just the same as I wish black people would. Sadly a black person using it on live or in public only exacerbates the issue.
I'm pretty sure your referring to the slang term which if I do say so myself, is very different from outright calling somebody the N-word.
The slang term was introduced as a way to inflate the racial slur. It kind of shows that you accept it and don't care. Its a stupid way of dealing with it but thats just the way it is.
Blacks aren't even the only ones that use it. All ethnicities can be found using it.
For the TC, honestly I don't like that racism happens either (and I know it does). That said, I hear more black people using the N word than I do others, and I don't buy into the whole we can say it but you can't arguement at all. I can't think of any other word period that has race restrictions on it. In my opinion no one should be calling eachother the N word so...... I had this discussion with many of my friends that are black and we pretty much always end up on if they would go and call there grandparents the N word. 100% have said no to me which makes me wonder how they think it's ok to call each other that? Second and most important it gets said in front of my children several times a week and I don't feel it's right to have to punish them if they pick it up and start using it (although they wont ever be if I have anything to say about it) because they heard a black child say it and get away with it. I honestly can't imagine having to say "it's ok for that child to say the N word just look at the color of his skin, but for you no it's a very very very bad thing to say and it's pure hate speech."
I wish racist people would stop using the term just the same as I wish black people would. Sadly a black person using it on live or in public only exacerbates the issue.
I'm pretty sure your referring to the slang term which if I do say so myself, is very different from outright calling somebody the N-word.
The slang term was introduced as a way to inflate the racial slur. It kind of shows that you accept it and don't care. Its a stupid way of dealing with it but thats just the way it is.
Blacks aren't even the only ones that use it. All ethnicities can be found using it.
Sadly I wasn't, I'm reffering to real word.
I know the meaning of the other and why it's there but even then that's like taking any profane word and removing one letter, the intent is still to have it sound almost identical so I don't buy it. I'll also point out that the majority of times I hear that word is from a black person as well. The bottom line is neither should be said, yet both are. The "nice" way to "own" the racial slur is and of itself nothing more than a thinly veiled mockery. I reminds me of when a child quickly flashes you the bird, and then says that wasn't my middle finger that was this one. Anyway, that's just me.
For the TC, honestly I don't like that racism happens either (and I know it does). That said, I hear more black people using the N word than I do others, and I don't buy into the whole we can say it but you can't arguement at all. I can't think of any other word period that has race restrictions on it. In my opinion no one should be calling eachother the N word so...... I had this discussion with many of my friends that are black and we pretty much always end up on if they would go and call there grandparents the N word. 100% have said no to me which makes me wonder how they think it's ok to call each other that? Second and most important it gets said in front of my children several times a week and I don't feel it's right to have to punish them if they pick it up and start using it (although they wont ever be if I have anything to say about it) because they heard a black child say it and get away with it. I honestly can't imagine having to say "it's ok for that child to say the N word just look at the color of his skin, but for you no it's a very very very bad thing to say and it's pure hate speech."
I wish racist people would stop using the term just the same as I wish black people would. Sadly a black person using it on live or in public only exacerbates the issue.
I'm pretty sure your referring to the slang term which if I do say so myself, is very different from outright calling somebody the N-word.
The slang term was introduced as a way to inflate the racial slur. It kind of shows that you accept it and don't care. Its a stupid way of dealing with it but thats just the way it is.
Blacks aren't even the only ones that use it. All ethnicities can be found using it.
Sadly I wasn't, I'm reffering to real word.
I know the meaning of the other and why it's there but even then that's like taking any profane word and removing one letter, the intent is still to have it sound almost identical so I don't buy it. I'll also point out that the majority of times I hear that word is from a black person as well. The bottom line is neither should be said, yet both are. The "nice" way to "own" the racial slur is and of itself nothing more than a thinly veiled mockery. I reminds me of when a child quickly flashes you the bird, and then says that wasn't my middle finger that was this one. Anyway, that's just me.
I didn't follow the analogy but..yeah.
And I can't really relate to what your saying since I've never heard Black people call each other the N-word commonly. Maybe as a joke but thats usually as far as it goes.
This is one of the reasons I avoid games like CoD, the worst community ever featured in a game.
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