The game isn't tougher, it's just slower
The game is simplistic remember and repeat gameplay. You progress slowly waiting for whatever bad guy to come up, you learn his opening, then you kill him.
I mean the game itself is broken where you can't even pause during boss battles, that's not an added feature but a problem that the always on connectivity clashes with pausing during those particular battles.
The game is a memory game with some quick time events all wrapped around a very dated and broken design.
Memory game with some quick time events all wrapped around a very dated and broken design..? What? How is the design broken at all? It's a back to roots kinda rpg. The fact that it is merciless, headache inducing, and meticulous adds to the thrill. I fail to see how there is ANYTHING wrong with its design to the extent that it's 'broken and dated.' Seems the only thing you were able to cherry pick was the fact that you cannot pause. Minor annoyance at best for most. The game is filled with a multitude of creatures, having to learn their weaknesses and take advantage of them isn't always simple. Some enemies roll quickly, or throw sudden swipes which requires precise timing.Trial and error is present, but so is skill.Making such generalizations about the combat could EASILY apply to hundreds of other games out today. Perhaps it's not your type of game, that's alright, but your absolute hate and senseless bashing is a joke.
Lol at 'back to roots RPG'. How long have you been playing games? Everything he said is correct. The game is a slow block and swing game. Not being able to pause is another wrong way the devs went about trying to make the game artificially "difficult".I meant 'back to roots' in the sense that the game is unforgiving.. As several arcade games were. Back to roots RPG was simply misstated.. Everything he said was not correct, because it was no more than subjective distaste. If you find it to be just a "slow block and swing game", then that is your opinion. To others, that is a harsh narrow-minded overstatement and poor generalization of the game's combat.
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