Saw this on the Xbox One dash today, you can sign up for guaranteed access the closed beta to Rainbow Six Siege on Xbox One starting next month (September 24th). I'm excited. This looks like a great competitive MP skirmish game taking me back to my Counter-Strike glory days.
If you're interested, check your dash. I saw the link in the featured ads on the right of the HOME tab. It took me to Internet Explorer where I signed up with my email address. This is worth noting, because you can (from what I can tell) only register for the beta by pre-ordering the game, at least that's what it looks like because I tried looking for the register link on my laptop browser.
Anyhow, went back and checks my Xbox One IE history for a link to the beta sign-up so you don't have to go through your Xbox One, or in case they pulled the beta sign up advertisement (I don't see the ad anymore), or in case you want to avoid the need to pre-order, here you go...
>>>sign up for Rainbow Siege Siege beta here<<<
They sent me a confirmation email saying a follow up registration email will come within a week.
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