@The-Butcher248: I get the same 20% off games at Best Buy for a long time now but that is still full price to me when I know I can wait and get it cheaper plus 20% on that lower price in only a month, but it's good that you recognize what you feel are great moments balanced with aggravating "hair pulling out" moments.
@oflow: The best? Wow, that's quite the endorsement! However, I'm not sure how many platformers you played this year and across how many machines/ecosystems to qualify if this game is truly the "best" statement, but it's nice to hear you are enjoying your purchase for sure.
That said, what you posted seems fair enough for me.
I would point out though that the critics do play other platformers on say Nintendo's machines and despite the genre being less popular, we've seen some amazing scores on their platforms by many of the same critics playing the same genre, and in fact some platformers across other machines not even made by Nintendo seem to score quite high. A couple examples off the top of my head this year that weren't even Nintendo platformers like July's 'Inside' which debuted on Xbone but is now on a bunch of machines, and even April's 'Ratchet and Clank' released this year to really high scores. I am still looking forward to a few this year assuming the reviews hold up as well like:
A Hat in Time, Cuphead (despite recent poor previews), Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, Yooka Laylee, and Shantae Half Genie Hero. A shame Psychonauts 2 got delayed though.
Anyways, happy gaming! :P
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