Who is we? You mean you, don't try to act like your opinion is a fact, I hate it when gamers do that, personally I found the game to be fantastic and one of the best games this year/ this generation so far, so I disagree with you and I'm pretty sure most people are going to follow my lead, this is the typical I'm find this game boring so every else should topic, which is annoying, you don't like the game don't freaking play it, whining about it isn't going to solve anything.Is it just me, or is Red Dead Redemption not as good as we thought it would be?
Sure, the first week we all had it was the best week ever. It felt amazing. Everything was new to us, everything was fun and hilarious. But now thats its been out for almost a month. Its quite boring.
Free Roam is boring.
"Wanna hunt bears again?" "Nah."
"Wanna jump off that cliff again for fun?" "Nah."
"Wanna kill some cops?" "Nope."
"Wanna kill our donkeys?" "Not fun anymore."
"Wanna do some gang hideouts?" "No its boring."
And I never thought the competitive multiplayer was fun. It got old within the first week. It wasnt fun at all for me.
And im done with the single player. I never have a desire to play it now for some reason. I still have some stuff to do in it, but theres no desire to go back and do it.
Am I the only one here that thinks it got old?
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