Hells to the yes? Perfect setting for a R* game imo. That would be sweet, there's just so much potential there.
[qupte]the only thing is Rockstar is their wierd as real as possible and pirates never used those giant ships in the movies, they prefered much smaller faster ship for obivious reason. Also, that would have to do something to make the sailing more exciting, like swords tourneys on ships between ports exc. All in all though it would be really cool if pulled off right
Why are you the way you are =( Don't ruin a good thing with this nitpicking. History is written by the winners, and I think the maker of Pirates of the Carribean was most certainly a "winner".
Anyways, onto your actual point, they do follow realistic settings. However, realism hasn't ever been first or foremost (regenerating health, "dead eye", etc). While regenerating health is pretty trivial, I think the point is that just because their first 2 settings (the modern GTA settings and wild west of RDR) were realistic doesn't mean that they're next game has to be fully realistic. People aren't saying they should make a space game with time travel. Their juset saying a little twist on how history actually happened (although for a true pirate game you'd need skeletons and krakens and curses and etc...)
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