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Looks so very fake. The cover doesn't even fit into the box. Couldn't be more fake.FearlessSpiritPS3 game cases are like that the cover isn't supposed to take up the whole case.
even thou we all know this game is going to be rated m for mature that means no squeeky voiced kids if it has online!!!!!!!!!!!white45eno your wrong a lot of lke 9 year olds have this game becuz there parents go with them to get it becuz they dont know about the gta series :D
Ahh, and I see Rockstar has decided to go with the ever so clever name of Grand Theft Auto 4.yea Lol
Psshhh, whatever.
[QUOTE="Comorat"]Ahh, and I see Rockstar has decided to go with the ever so clever name of Grand Theft Auto 4.yea Lol What about GTA3? GTA4 is a branch of new trilogy with a different story. see how GTA3 was the beigning of Vice City and San Andreas? Same deal goes with this.
Psshhh, whatever.
it's more likey to be a photo shop fake but it's a good fake i gotta say...tatu2004
Naw, it looks like it's been drawn with Illustrator... or is at least comprised of clip art that was. It's fake, but you've got to give them some credit for putting the work into it. Making graphics like that in Illustrator is a pain in the ass.
Looks so very fake. The cover doesn't even fit into the box. Couldn't be more fake.FearlessSpiritthats how they all fit on the case.....
Ahh, and I see Rockstar has decided to go with the ever so clever name of Grand Theft Auto 4.
Psshhh, whatever.
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