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Big big BIG Yay!! I played for like 8 hours straight last night..Ryuketsu2043
me eyes are bleeding. Yay....very interesting balancing mechanics at work.
I really liked shadow run on Sega Genesis, I think it was the first RPG I ever played so I'm having mixed reactions that its just a multiplayer first person shooter. I always had a thing for paper and pencil games, I never played shadow run but I did play Rifts.GrayHalo
Do what I did and just look at it as a different game altogether and you will get past the hard feelings. Who knows maybe a Shadowrun RPG will come out if this game does well. Anything that sells gets sequels....too many sequels. Â
Nay, Forza Motorsport 2 is a much better value and is a huge awesome game with great online community support. Shadowrun is very buggy and glitchy and has few modes, it seems like only 25% of a true next gen game. Not to mention Shadowruns graphics look like trash. Hope this helps. :DgamekrewSince your assessment reveals you havn't tried Shadowrun, and therefore have no basis for comparison, your words help no one.
Yay. Good control, lots of interesting abilities to keep the game experience fresh. I wonder where this game has been all these years? Counterstrike with lots of cool strategy besides just knowing the map and shooting accurately. Good times.Â
 If you dig multiplayer only first person shooters it's pretty fun. If you are strapped for cash I think Rainbow6 is a better value if only because you get a solo player experience as well AND it has great multiplayer.Â
If you like on-line multiplayer you have to get this game.
The only disappointment is there is no single player story mode. It would have put the game over the top if they had a story mode where you would play as the lineage and you had to go through levels stealing artifacts and making it out alive or something just to have more game modes. Other than that it is a pretty dope game.
i want the game i am just waiting for someone to review it, teamxbox, gamespot, ign i just want to get some input from one of these sites before i buy it.rwells87
the best input is from the "normal people" (Us)Â Â that have been playing it.....and in my opinion it is the best game on xbox is extremely fun and can be very tense but at the same time is very deep
Nay, Forza Motorsport 2 is a much better value and is a huge awesome game with great online community support. Shadowrun is very buggy and glitchy and has few modes, it seems like only 25% of a true next gen game. Not to mention Shadowruns graphics look like trash. Hope this helps. :Dgamekrew
wow u obviously havent played this game yet......its barely buggy....and i havenet seen a glitch yet.......and i was very surprised by the graphics.....they are actually really good......the graphics are charming kinda like world of warcraft.....and u will be amazed when u see a summon....they look friggin awesome
I have a few questions, sorry if I sound like a noob, I just haven't been paying attention much to this game:
1. Is it online only? Any single player involved at all?
2. Does it cost any extra fees to play online? Just wanna make sure.
Pretty much online only yes. Unless you want to play with bots forever. No story line or Campaign.
And no it does not cost extra to play online. You just need Xbox Live GoldÂ
i've seen video's of shadowrun. don't see what the big deal is. yea turning into smoke, running faster, teleporting and all that jazz seems fun in a shooter. im not sayin anything yet though, gonna wait till i try the demo. people seem to like it, someone on my friendlist made a motto saying best game ever or something, he was in the beta.GokujaIt IS the best game ever... best online game, anyhow. I was in the beta too, and they improved it a lot. It's not ugly as some have said, although there are a few havoc physics bugs they should address (wiggly corpses.)Â
thanks guys i have been calling around to find it but everywhere is out that really blows. i guess i will have to wait till this weekendWMDfreeman99
I love it when a good game with zero hype shines. Sorry you can't find it - no hype of course means limited stock. The gaming community NEEDS more original IPs like this. Â
[QUOTE="WMDfreeman99"]thanks guys i have been calling around to find it but everywhere is out that really blows. i guess i will have to wait till this weekendKingTuttle
I love it when a good game with zero hype shines. Sorry you can't find it - no hype of course means limited stock. The gaming community NEEDS more original IPs like this.
I couldnt agree anymore man. the makers of this game should be given some props for taking a chance on some OUT THERE gameplay... loving it so far.
Love when a game you think will suck, ends up being awesomeÂ
YESSS found one guys, they are holding it for me when i get off work, I will be on tongiht if anyone wants to play,
Gamertag WAR ROOM just add me if you want to play
YESSS found one guys, they are holding it for me when i get off work, I will be on tongiht if anyone wants to play,
Gamertag WAR ROOM just add me if you want to play
Right on! Good work you won't be upset. As a tip: Do the tutorials as hard as that may be. Patience will pay off. Oh and watch out for elves with katanas- remember I warned you.Â
Gamertag:Â SiRogue
BTW- nice gamertagÂ
I'm on right now, and am looking forward to playing my first online match. I've been trying to get caught up by playing some solo matches.
My gamertag is UnofficialGhostÂ
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