alright so i've been using the "legacy" control option ever since the first halo came out and have become used to it. some games still offer it, like cod4 and 5, but it seems that less and less shooters offer the option. if you don't know what the legacy option is, you move forward and backward AND look left and right all with the left thumbstick, leaving the right thumbstick to look up and down and strafe left and right. its pretty frustrating that some of my favorite games to play dont offer the legacy option (killzone 2, battlefield 1943, orange box) especiallysince it can't be THAT hard to include it, can it? i still get by on the default controls and am not terrible, but im much better using the legacy option.anyone else use the legacy option for shooters? modern warfare 2 better have it or thats just really gonna suck. thoughts, comments?
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