So I know in Oblivion that they had a level scaling system, but it seems to me that Skyrim is lacking it. There may be some hybrid system here, but overall there are definitely foes that I am not capable of beating at my level, and I feel as though it's because they are higher level than me. While I understand that this system makes the world much more foreboding, and adds a sense of difficulty, I also feel like this system is NOT perfect for this game. There have been two times when the level scaling have been massively problematic for me. These instances weren't bad because they were "too difficult", or because I just want an easy game, but because placing an enemy in this specific spot was... an odd choice. Here is the two situations:
1) I killed a Frost Dragon on top of a mountain. It was a long and fun battle, but I finally took down the bastard. Anyway, after the battle, I went to get my Word of Power from the altar, only to have a named lich (Krosis, I believe it was), come out and rofl-stomp me. Thankfully I saved right after the dragon fight, but I tried 3 times to kill that lich and all three times he destroyed me before I could get him down by even 10%. I was level 4 at the time. So I left and I will have to go back when I around level 10 to see if he is any easier.
2) On my way to the Greybeard place, I encountered a frost troll. Because of his health regeneration and high damage output, I had no choice but to run from him. My mana drained to quickly to burn him down with magic, and I could barely melee him down faster than his health regenerated (though to be fair it was hard to tell with how little damage I was doing him). I was level 6 at the time.
The problem I have with this system is that there is no immediate indication of whether or not you will be able to take down a foe. Furthermore, when taking on side-quests, I have no idea if 10 minutes of running will yield nothing more than hitting a brick wall of unkillable enemies (when I had to go and get the Nettlebark or whatever for the girl in the church in Whiterun, this happened). If they are going to change to a new system that is more akin to games like WoW/Dark Souls, then they need to give us some indication of what we can and cannot do at our level (some kind of marking on quests, and some indication on enemy names) so that we know before we waste our time. I know I just spent quite a bit of text knocking this game for this one problem, but it is worth noting that I am still having the time of my life, and I could barley drag myself away from my controller long enough to write this.
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