[QUOTE="Speedy454545"]Heard of PC lans much...? I mean Xbox gamers love their fabled Halo lans.......... And gamepads have been used for PC gaming for well over a decade.... Any gamepad, including the 360 one works... So kb/m or pad - you choose.Skrat you want to call other people dumb?
Your the one who thinks Spore is going to be a good game just because Robin Williams played it :lol: (Well, you clearly implied that)
So tell me Skrat. When you have 2 or 3 friends come over (if you have any). Can you sit them down and say, lets play some 3 player Unreal Tournament (Or any multiplayer game). What do you give them a keyboard each so you can all play at the same time? That is why consoles are so much better, you can play WITH all of your friends at the same time in the same place. Rather than being adork and making friends on the other side of the world who you have never met.
Skrat, you gave us all these no-name titles which have hardly been heard of before and basically said they are good just because they are exclusive. Its like me saying " Haha, PC users dont get Hour of Victory its only exclusive to Xbox 360". We all know Hour of Victory got a 2/10. Your acting as if the PC exclusives are actually going to be good games.
Well you can go ahead and play Spore, and Hell Gate and Babooshka, whatever your silly unkown exclusives are. Us 360 owners with our friends will play our well known popular games like Halo 3 and GTA IV and so on.
Goodluck with your crappy unkown PC exclusives! :lol:
I mean you can play a 120 people Joint Operations lan, or 64 players BF lan... I mean thats been around since 2001. And there are plenty of split screen games - Serious Sam to name one.....
Simply hook a PC up to a HD TV - or any tv at that - sit on the couch and play.....
And I can say the same about your 360 exclusives. I dont give a toss about Blue Dragon, which some people are exited about - and has the potential to score well - and you dont give a toss about lets say - Hell Gate London. I meanvice versa.
ANd yes most of the time these PC exclusives are the best... I mean PC gets the most exclusive AAAs and AAs every year... So thats facts right at ya. If you like them - thats personal taste.
So playing a 'well known popular game' makes you better, than I could go off and play Counter Strike or CS Source with the other 13.5 million steam users out there. Or if I was intto MMOs I could play WoW with the other 8.5+ million users out there.
See where this agrument is going?
Cmon lets be reasonable here.
Blue Dragon is a bad example. It was made by an Asian company which means nearly all of Asia will be playing it. Its a Huge RPG game that is already very popular in Asia. Therefore millions of people will be playing it all over the world and it is actually quite a popular game already.
So what? You can go play Counter Strike with 8 million people, I will go play XBL with 8 million people.....fair trade?
Serious Same? You got to be kiddin me. You choose the worst games for examples. Playing split screen would be shocking on a PC. Both players would be cramped up at both ends of the keyboard with little space to use. They would not know the controls and would get confused. This would reduce the fun factor and skill factor out of the split screen game and just be boring. But if your playing split screen on 360, it would be much easier to learn the controls thus making the game more fun and enjoyable to play. PC sucks for split screen games to play with friends, just admit it. I know that when a friend comes over I can play Co-op Gears of War with them and we can have lots of fun. Cant say the same for you because playing Multiplayer Gears on 1 keyboard would just suck. Admit it, PC sucks for having friends over to play games.
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