The Xbox does NOT upconvert DVDs. Your TV will have to do that.
I recommend buying a cheap upconverting DVD player. You have to use DVI or HDMI in order for it to work though.
The best case scenerio is to buy a Blue-Ray player that will also upscale your DVDs to 1080.
This is FALSE. WHEN USING HDMI OR VGA, The 360 DOES upscale DVD's... However, when using Component/Composite/S-Video, it does NOT... Why people continutally spew BS around the forums when they have no idea what they are talking about I will never know...
The trouble is only around a third of 360 owners have an HDMI and not many connect through VGA. Most use component.
Prior to the newer machines coming out with HDMI, component was the most common. All HD TV's can display 720P through component and sets bought in the last 2 years can display 1080P through it.
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