I'll stick to COD. Halo never appealed to me, and now with this "forerunner vision" is sounds too ridiculous for me to give it another shot now.
I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out like Shadowrun's through wall vision. And by that I mean something absolutely no one uses because it gets outclassed by so many other skills.Now I can understand them in saying that custom load outs gives more guns possibly more use, but I'm not sure it really applies to Halo. I mean it doesn't apply to Halo if they didn't give everyone one of the best guns from the start. I remember in Halo when you started with an smg even in the huge maps. That required you to actually pick up weapons and not end up using the BR every singe second of every game unless you had a power weapon (of course they changed that later).
I am cool with unlocks, but quite heavily against unlocks such as weapons or even perks (in this case armor abilities). They haven't gone into detail on what exactly will be locked, but locking that stuff is quite silly to me. I quite love playing sneakily and having everything that contributes to being sneaky locked until half way to max level is quite possibly one of the most annoying things in the world.
Course they could just take the Black Ops route and let you unlock what you want when you want it. I am just saying the weapons can be completely balanced unfortunately weapons tend to play towards play style so no matter how balanced a gun is to another if you are forced to use a gun that is completely against your play style you are bound to be not as good. Now I was hoping they were going to change up Halo, being a new developer and all, but I would rather have seen a return to Halo roots rather than shifting towards being a tad bit more Call of Duty. If I wanted Call of Duty I would buy that or any other shooter out now since they all have decided to use elements from Call of Duty.
I guess I just feel that if you have to earn weapons, you'll have more of a reason to play rather then just wanting to play.driftingsilvia
I hate when the only reason I want to play a game is because I just enjoy simply playing... That is the worst. I really need this entirely pointless achievement or other sort of "progression" otherwise there is just truly no reason to play video games. Where did the want to better ones self at the game go? Did everyone decide that unlocking weapons and skills equates to that now a days.
I really wish games didn't give achievements or unlocks because it truly does hurt games that don't. There certainly is a nice feeling leveling up and unlocking a gun, but as many people know sitting max level of Call of Duty makes the game incredibly boring which is sad because I used to like playing games and that has become harder to do.
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