You guys are hardcore gamers, but most people who play video games are more casual than most who post here.
We've done the circuit since the Atari's back in the early '80's, but we're certainly not hardcore.
IMO, Microsoft was in too much of a hurry to get the 360 outthat it created several problems. Let's first remember that the original was the last out of the gate the past generation, but it had to be the 1st out this time around. It's understandable from a business point of view. They wanted to be 1st, so more gamers would run and buy their system. The problem however is in the fact that they didn't give us a quality system. Mine is currently in Texas being repaired. I'm sure many of you can say the same?!?! I didn't read all the posts, but with 540 pages on the top sticky should tell us all we need to know.
The last generation, I kid you not, I bought 8 Xbox controllers and at one time, had 6 in a bag that an electrician (personal friend) looked at ONE time to see if he could fix them. He told me there was no hope. For the first system ever, I turned to 3rd party for controllers. I also bought 3 original Xbox's and had to send 2 in for repairs (and was charged for those repairs because I'd had the systems for over 3 months - I complained and got it at discount though, if that makes it any better...NOT). I guess I shouldn't complain too much, cause we had over 50 titles for that system, so they were played hard. It was still the most expensive gaming system we'd had to date, considering all the replacements that needed bought.
Now, this generation, our Xbox that had less than 100 hours on it had to be sent out. I'm reading where when they come back, the problems start all over again for some users.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I am really getting tired of MS not doing their homework before release and giving us piss poor quality. IMO, what they should have done is ran the Xbox for a few more years, ACTUALLY made some money off the system, and spent that time getting the 360's kinks worked out, so that when we bought their product, we'd also be able to play it.
Personally, I don't care if they release another console. I'm out after this generation. I doubt that I'm the only one who feels this way, too.
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