[QUOTE="_KenKittyragi_"]No 4 player PRIVATE chat please, that will lead to cheaters and such. A dashboard chat room would be awesome though, just like on the original xbox. Why would the 360 not have it in the first place? Ability to view somebodys games from date played, alphabetical order, or gamerscore total. Also, Internet Explorer on 360 would pwn. Ability to fast forward and rewind music on 360. Ability to delete all friends that haven't been on in over 1 month all at once. That's it really.Agent_Kaliaver
- See i found this way to work with multi-chat. When outside of game (either dashboard to single-player or even multiplayer lobby) you can have up to 4 people chat. That way you can get them to the game quickly or easier. But once the game starts up then it puts it down to 1 person chat (the person you started the chat with). I mean they can stop downloads before playing online why cant they stop multi chat? Plus they could give you options to either cancel chat all together once a game starts (puts you into games chat instead of 1 person chat) or to regroup the chat after game is done (so you don't have to send people invites to chat again).
Some people may say that would be frustrating but it would not allow cheating or abuse for in game and it would give people a way have a multi chat. Hell mabye they could allow multi-chat in private servers (so it won't stop when game starts.... it would just keep the chat open the whole time).
- Being able to fast forward or rewind in music should have been added from the start. We can do it to videos but not music? Some times i don't want to listen to that minute and a half opening.
- Ability to have Clan, Squads, Groups, Etc. Being able to either group your friends into sections like people i know and random people or family, friends, clan mates. Or having an overall Clan system. It could group together any clan your in and have a list of them. That way being in multiple clans for different games could work easier. This way you could see who is on and in which game and it could help you decide which clan you want to play with at that time. Plus this would allow you to see your clans and chat with them without cluttering up your friends list. Plus you wouldn't have to go in game to find out who is on in your clan (if the game allows clan support in that form... ex. Like Halo 2's clan system).
I mean these may be some harder ones to do (besides the music player), but hey i would rather have them than having a new looking U.I.
- Oh and mabye a search ability for Marketplace. That way you game type in a games name (and save for later use) and check out all the stuff that has been put out for the game. Instead of going into Games, All Games, and then look for your game out of the 300 something games.
There is no reason to lower the private chat once the game has started. That would be pointless to even have it. As far as cheating oes, that story doesn't fly cuz technically U can already have a multiple person chat, it's just much more difficult to do than necessary. Besides multiple people chatting can't lead to cheating any more than 2 person chat can.
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