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Yes , it has one of the best FPS story this generation plus an amazing intro , amazing game and very underatted. [ i mean the loading time's kickass , who would of though someone loved the loading time:Ponly who played the game would understand what im talking about;) ] XxSTILL_BORNxX
i'm only two hours in but i know exactly what you mean. Jackie is seriously one of the best charcters ever. i got the game for really cheap but annoyed that no one ever mentions it otherwise i would of gotten it sooner. the onyl thing that annoyed me at first was the aiming but i'm used to it know as well as all the darkness powers.
I rented that game about a year ago and loved it, it didn't take long to finish but the story was great and the Darkness powers made the combat very satisfying (if a bit easy). Does anyone know if the multiplayer was any good? I never bothered trying it.domaners
I have tried the multiplayer awhile ago. It wasn't that good. It was tacked on and very laggy. Maybe a patch fixed that though, I am not sure. :)
I bought it last year around release and I have to say, it's one of the best FPSs I have ever played. The loading times were brilliant! And the graphics were so good that everytime I got out of the train I didn't notice that I wasn't watching a cut scene and ended up just standing there.
Jackie and the darkness itself were amazing characters. I actually have a friend just like Jackie, in looks and everything.
Definitely the most undderated game of this console generation. One of the best stories I have ever seen in any video game. Acting was incredible. Darkness powers freaking awesome. There is nothing better than biting someones face off and/or eating their heart.
I loved the ww1 flash backs. Its a great game Tundrawarlord
Lol that's the only part of the game I didn't like.
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