Well its obvious that their is alot of good games out for the Xbox but what i want to know is the game you most regret buying their has been alot of games which have been hyped up alot but turned out to be a waste of time.
The worst game that i bought was probably Battlefield 2 i should of known better but i thought i could of trusted gamespot because they scored it in the 8 so i was obviously thinking heck it must be a good game then i bought it cost me 40/50pound turn it on to realise their is practically no single player mode i thought ok that doesnt bother me that much but i do like to rack up a gamerscore so i tried some of the single player mode got bored of it in 30minutes tried the online mode just to realise how fake it was, Usualy placing 1 bullet in someone head (IN A GAME) would kill that person or do alot of damage but not with with this game :(this gamewas just no good for me i like a realistic game that doesnt take 15-25bullets to kill just one person the only good thing about it was the tanks and helicopters i sold this game on Ebay for 30pound and ive got to say i feel sorry for the person who has bought it if he thinks the same way as me.
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