..is BioShock.
I mean the graphics are outstanding, and the game engine works fantastically and there really is alot of innovation in the game, especially for a first person shooter.
However I just cant get over how disturbingly depressive this game is lol. Everytime I picture the BioShock demo its always a depressing and rather disturbing thought of decayed children, messed up little girls, and savage people being brutally murdered by each other or the terrifying big daddies. The whole thing just seems very...miserable :P.
I understand this may insult some of you who absolutely worship this game to days end. But to be honest this is more a point than me trying to bash the game.
Anyone else feel the same ::? ?
p.s In no way is this a BioShock flame, the game looks fantastic and it really do believe it will succeed.
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