And that is:
Bioshock 2 to to feaure co-op and Soviets :(:(:(:(:(
Are you thinking right now: WTF??? Ok, good so I wasn't the only one who thought that. I mean Bioshock and co-op? How, why orwhen did that ever sound like a good idea? Thje whole immersion comes from you being on your own, being scared and sometimes psychologically freaked out. How the hell is that ever going to work with someone even if just an AI partner standing right next to you all thetime??? Need any proof to why it takes out the horror from a game? Look at RE 5, brilliant game but not scary at all because of co-op. Bioshoick simply does not mix with co-op. Also,I think co-op is becoming the new 'quick time events'. Yes, it works in some games like Halo 3 or Gears, but in a horror game that is meant to scare you? That is meant to make you feel like you are on your own? NO. but companies just seem tothink, as the RE producer said in an interview: Oh we put it in there to appeal more to Western gamers. I mean WTF?He just basically admitted that they only put co-op in the game to get more people to buy it!!! 'Yeah, we'll just tack it on there, yeah it will get us more money in the end.
Also, Soviets, are you again thinking WTF? Good you aren't alone again. I thought that. But wait for the best part. The report goes on to state: These enemies will be much smarter than the splicers and will make use of cover techniques and flanking. SO what? This is a World War II FPS now? A CoD knock off with some splicers in a different setting with a co-op partner?
I knew it was no good when Ken Levine said that he was not directly working on BioShock 2. Well as we can now tell it is and will be a massive shame. Here is the link have fun reading it. I am off to play the first one and imagine where the series could have headed instead:
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