Zombies and games go hand in hand and i love nothing more than kicking some zombie @ss, but every time i hear another zombie game is coming out i always hope its the zombie game i've always been waiting for... let me explain...
Left 4 dead thought it had hit the nail on the head when i first read about it but just... lacked something...
Resi Evil a top game but never hit the zombie perfection
there are tones of them that have had a stap at doing the zombies justice but they all lack something... even i'm not to sure what that is but the zombie apocalypse seems as far away now as it always has.
I think something i'd like to see is stronge slow zombies and the ability to block rooms and doors plus add in some mates and for me you'd be onto a winner lol Anything that gives you the feeling of fear, trapted and surviver-ish.
so what do you all think what do zombie games miss? do you belive there is already the perfect zombie game? let me hear your thoughts
I've often thought about this very same topic myself, as I cannot help but feel like every zombie game is missing something that really holds it back from achieveing true greatness. Sure some of the zombie games are classics, like Resident Evil for example, but at their core they are all just action games. If I were to create a zombie game I would focus most on the element of survival and the impact that a zombie apocalypse would have on the world. There would be pockets of survivors wrought with tension, though at the same time trying to revel in each other's company never knowing when it might be their last day. Atmosphere would have to be thick, a la Metro 2033, and there would have to be RPG-like human interactions from settlement to settlement to add some sort of attachment to the remnants of humanity. You would have to feel compelled to push on in your efforts to keep humankind safe from these flesh-eating abominations.
The zombies would have to be slow shamblers at first, who maybe evolve into quick runners later on in the game, kind of like Nazi Zombies only more gradual of an evolution. Survivors would have fat backpacks containing their entire life, and not all of them would (realistically) have guns. Some would have hammers, baseball bats, and other such blunt objects that one might pick up for protection in a time of haste. There would be an underground economy where people trade anything from packs of cigarettes to bottles of water, extra ammo, etc. etc. The story would have to be strong, and focus on the interactions of the survivors with one another, therefore it would have to be penned by none other than Robert Kirkman, the man responsible for The Walking Dead.
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