If you play Gears, please read this, I have no doubt that you will agree with 90 percent of what I have written, thanks!
This is my take on the MP of GoW2:::::
ALL Epic had to do was FIX THE BULLET LAG and remove the HOST issue, and Gears 2 MP would have been amazing. The Shotgun fixed? Haha that's a laugh, they gave it 75% more range, and it does the same amount of damage if your within 10 feet or 20. It's melee takes priority over every other weapon, even over other Shotguns most of the time (I tested this by pulling a Shotty out, some guy charged me, melee'd me with his Shotty, I turned around as I was 'stunned' melee'd him then blew his head off which is absolute BS and has happened to me before). The damage is COMPLETELY inconsistent, with the Shotgun sometimes taking 1 shot to blow people in half, and sometimes 3-4 from the same distance (all non-active).
The Hammerburst will sometimes down people in 6-10 shots (non active) then sometimes it will take 3/4's of a clip from the same distance if not closer.
The Lancer is severely underpowerd and barely has any stopping power (the Hammerburst has amazing stopping power which dosn't make sense because it's the stronger weapon and it should be the other way around). You can now melee through Chainsaws, and the Chainsaw can't be activated by holding the B button as you come out of a manuver (for example if your Rodie Running, and you hold B as you charge, you won't rev the Chainsaw as you stop the run, now you must stop the run and THEN press the B button. This is also a problem when popping around corners to Chainsaw).
I find the lancer to have great stopping power. If you shoot someone continuously with it they can barely move unless the roll. Chainsaw duels against people holding a lancer usually only happen if you come up on their front. My biggest gripe with the chainsaw is that it is so hard to lower it. If you have a chainsaw out and I shoot you with a shotgun, then you should drop the chainsaw.
Smoke Grenade's knocking you down is just STUPID and has completely changed the way the game is played (instead of people running to set up a good position off of the spawn, they simply run towards the other team and throw Smoke Grenades and whoever gets knocked down either gets Shotty'd while on the ground or some guy just stands there with a Chainsaw waiting for you to get up into it). They are also inconsistent and can knock you down anywhere from 1-3 seconds to 7-9 (Yes I have been downed by ONE Smoke Grenade for EIGHT seconds, from the same distance another Nade would have knocked me down for only 2 or 3. It basically leaves you helpess and you can't move or speed up your recovery time.
I like the idea of smokes knocking you down, but hate the execution. I have been knocked down by smokes when I'm over 10 meters away. I have also waited for a smoke to explode then ran into the smoke just to be knocked down by a delayed cucussion. I find both frags and smokes to be horribly inconsistent. A frag explodes and I'm far away from it behind a wall and it still kills me. Walls should stop explosions. I've also watched enemies walk right over mygrenade and take not take damage/not be downed.
The Boomshot was given THREE shots. Are you kidding me. SERIOUSLY. As if TWO instant death grenade shots weren't enough, now the team that controls the Boomshot are extremely overpowered. Now instead of only one active reload splash damage shot, they get TWO. Two shots in the Boom was completely FINE.
Two was better, but by the same token I've shot people and seen other people shoot enemies with a boomshot that hits them directly in the chest and they survive.
The Mortar can be shot THROUGH ceilings (literally the missles or whatever it shoots can go THROUGH buildings like on Pavillion for example).
Some ceilings have holes in them and can be shot through. In places like pavilion the boomshot can be shot into the building from the hip, or be shot up inside the building with limited range because the ceiling is high enough.
They made the SAME button that you use to dive and run and slide, the SAME button to PICK UP DOWNED OPPONENTS. Who the HELL thought this was a good idea? Seriously how many times have you downed someone, ran to pick him up, noticed his teamate was on the way (or opponent if your playing Wingman), and when you get there you stop your run, and press A to pick up the body so you can fight the charging opponent who is a centimeter away from you, only to dive right over the downed body, the body get revived, then you killed by the two guys?
Alternate control scheme FTW.
The only weapons they DIDN'T screw up were the Pistols, Sniper, Mulcher, Ink Grenade, Frag Grenade, Shield and the Flamethrower.
Sniper, headshots register only 50% of the time. Frag grenade (see above), shield provides the ability to exploit at least 4 different multiplayer glitches (shotgun/shield; kung-fu flip; super jump; jump through wall on pavilion).
I don't need to explain the various Glitches with the game (Shield etc) that just push the MP level WAY down. The first Gears MP was GREAT, minus the HOST and slight bullet lag, but once you got used to it, it was awesome. I thought Gears 2 MP would have been the same with a stronger Lancer, no bullet lag, no host, new weapons, and new maps. That's ALL it needed, but Epic just dropped the ball. And the fact they release maps that cost MONEY, even with the severe glitching issue is just mind boggling. Seriously instead of Epic saying "You know what, we need to fix this Glitchy MP", they said "We need to make more maps that should have been included with the game anyway because it was released only a month ago so more people can find even more Glitches to cheat, even though we know M$ will charge for them! Ya! That sounds like a GREAT IDEA!".
In all fairness Gears 1 had many glitches that are still present today, and it is irresponsible that they would allow them to still be present in Gears 2 (crabwalking, weapon slide)
Now if only it wasn't so fun, then I could stop playing.
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