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Its not a deal breaker for me. M$ said that a person can turn it off. But so many questions come up, about the kinect having to be connected to the system. What if the cord gets broken, chewed on (by a dog or cat), or the Kinect just fails, will the Xbox not work? Will I still be able to play games? I think that is why many fans are in an uproar.
I'm not sure if M$ answered questions about the Kinect breaking and how the Xbox will react to a broken Kinect.
I won't be getting the Xbox, or PS4 within the first year. I have a massive Xbox 360, and PC, backlog that only seems to grow by the month.
The closest thing that came to be a dealbreaker for me was the system(s) weren't Backwards Compatible. I can live with all the other features (even the ones that got 180'd) but I really wanted to have the games I bought on XBLA and Games on Demand carry over to the new system.
I won't be getting either at launch, but probably around spring or so of next year. And you just let me know something I didn't. I was aware that the system will not have backwards compatability, but not that that included XBLA games. I guess I didn't really think about, but I figured if things like your actual XL account would be carried over (like GamerScore, Gamertag, etc), that so would other things that you actually bought through that account. That's disappointing.Its not a deal breaker for me. M$ said that a person can turn it off. But so many questions come up, about the kinect having to be connected to the system. What if the cord gets broken, chewed on (by a dog or cat), or the Kinect just fails, will the Xbox not work? Will I still be able to play games? I think that is why many fans are in an uproar.
I'm not sure if M$ answered questions about the Kinect breaking and how the Xbox will react to a broken Kinect.
I won't be getting the Xbox, or PS4 within the first year. I have a massive Xbox 360, and PC, backlog that only seems to grow by the month.
The closest thing that came to be a dealbreaker for me was the system(s) weren't Backwards Compatible. I can live with all the other features (even the ones that got 180'd) but I really wanted to have the games I bought on XBLA and Games on Demand carry over to the new system.
At first I wasn't happy about it and considered getting a PS4. But I have a daughter thats almost 2 and a new baby due any day and thought with consoles lasting 8 to 10 years nowadays, they might get some enjoyment out of it. I preordered an X1 this morning :).
That's a pretty good idea. Kinect has lots of very family-fun games, so maybe you could get a lot of use out of it. And i wish you a happy congratulations on your new baby.At first I wasn't happy about it and considered getting a PS4. But I have a daughter thats almost 2 and a new baby due any day and thought with consoles lasting 8 to 10 years nowadays, they might get some enjoyment out of it. I preordered an X1 this morning :).
[QUOTE="Drew1911"]That's a pretty good idea. Kinect has lots of very family-fun games, so maybe you could get a lot of use out of it. And i wish you a happy congratulations on your new baby.At first I wasn't happy about it and considered getting a PS4. But I have a daughter thats almost 2 and a new baby due any day and thought with consoles lasting 8 to 10 years nowadays, they might get some enjoyment out of it. I preordered an X1 this morning :).
Thanks :)
to me it actually makes me want the xbox based of what it can do. Just look at all the products are coming out now like the smart tvs and apple tv type products that people are starting to get. From my perspective I will be able to have the tv layover , music and features that come with apple tv while having the voice/gesture control of smart tv's.
I never wanted it. Why should I pay more for something I don't want? MS should've gave the option to sell the console without Kinect. Now the competition is selling their console with better hardware for $100 cheaper. RoslindaleOneLet's say the Kinect 2.0 is still mandatory, but the price is dropped down to about $450 possibly $400. Is it only that extra bit on the price tag that bothers you, or the Kinect itself? A lot of people have gotten really paranoid when it comes to the whole "Xbox is spying on you" deal.
Kinect 2.0 may be good as a system interface for Menues and voice control. As long as those kinds of things work REALLY well, then all is good. This kind of differentiates the Xbox One from PS4 and gives the system a identity. Kinect has proven great for Dance games and mini game things like the Kinect Sports series. But beyond that, not much.Â
I really dont see third party developers doing anything meaningful with Kinect, much in the same way they are not doing anything with the Wii U touch pad or motion controls. Just like Nintendo needs to step up and show whats so great about their interface systems, so does Microsoft with Kinect. If they cant fully demonstrate how Kinect can work in a wide variety of games, then why should the third party developers even try?
It wont be a deal breaker for me IF Kinect 2.0 actually works, but it may take a few years to convince me to want to get cozy with Kinect.
Let's say the Kinect 2.0 is still mandatory, but the price is dropped down to about $450 possibly $400. Is it only that extra bit on the price tag that bothers you, or the Kinect itself? A lot of people have gotten really paranoid when it comes to the whole "Xbox is spying on you" deal. BudMcB
If it was $400 I would definitely get it. I'm not really big on conspiracy theories, so I don't believe it will be spying on people.
[QUOTE="BudMcB"]Let's say the Kinect 2.0 is still mandatory, but the price is dropped down to about $450 possibly $400. Is it only that extra bit on the price tag that bothers you, or the Kinect itself? A lot of people have gotten really paranoid when it comes to the whole "Xbox is spying on you" deal. RoslindaleOne
If it was $400 I would definitely get it. I'm not really big on conspiracy theories, so I don't believe it will be spying on people.
So $100 over an 8 year period really means that much to you? MS has to try and support their product. Do you at least understand that by doing this they guarantee to developers that everyone will have one, which means a larger install base?[QUOTE="RoslindaleOne"][QUOTE="BudMcB"]Let's say the Kinect 2.0 is still mandatory, but the price is dropped down to about $450 possibly $400. Is it only that extra bit on the price tag that bothers you, or the Kinect itself? A lot of people have gotten really paranoid when it comes to the whole "Xbox is spying on you" deal. firefox59
If it was $400 I would definitely get it. I'm not really big on conspiracy theories, so I don't believe it will be spying on people.
So $100 over an 8 year period really means that much to you? MS has to try and support their product. Do you at least understand that by doing this they guarantee to developers that everyone will have one, which means a larger install base?Let me put it simply. I do not want Kinect. If I spend $500+ for a console, while the competition is selling theirs cheaper, it makes me think I'm spending that extra $100 for Kinect. Again, I do not want the Kinect. Give me the option to buy a cheaper sku without it.
I'm fine with Kinect and, jokes aside, I plan to keep it on and pointed at the room while gaming. I plan to power off the XBOXONE when not in use. The last Kinect showed a lot of promise. It made me sweat and made me a better dancer (not hard to do!). Still it has a way to go and I would love it if they would offer low cost instructional stuff for Kinect. It would be a good aid with golf swings, joga and more. It not worth $60 for stuff like that but as a download in the $1-$15 range I would buy it.
Not for me.
Despite the fact I didn't like Kinect V1, I think the improvements made to the hardware itself combined with intelligent integration into games/media, Kinect V2 can be a nice addition.
Now, I don't mean full Kinect games. Â Not for me, anyway. Â Rather integrating it into core games through useful, beneficial (read: at least as good if not better than buttons) voice commands and slight gestures (maybe).
It's got to be integrated right. Â It's got to be subtle, optional, and it has to have a benefit over buttons. Â It's got to work in tight quarters and in low light conditions. Â It has to pick up voice without shouting and gestures without exaggerated or repeated motions.
If all that can be done, and I think with what I've seen so far it can, Kinect V2 may well be worth it. Â If not, well, it will be facing the wall with black tape over the lens.
This is one of the many good points that I think Microsoft needs to work on. They haven't really done a good job, it seems, of presenting the Kinect to developers. When the Kinect came out, no third-party games really integrated it in any sort of way. If you wanted a game to use Kinect, you would have to buy a whole other game solely for it, like Sonny360Elite pointed out. If they could show developers how to use it in games so that it isn't overwhelmingly Kinect, having to use it all the time, but small things that add something to the game, then I think it could be a lot more successful.Not for me.
Despite the fact I didn't like Kinect V1, I think the improvements made to the hardware itself combined with intelligent integration into games/media, Kinect V2 can be a nice addition.
Now, I don't mean full Kinect games. Â Not for me, anyway. Â Rather integrating it into core games through useful, beneficial (read: at least as good if not better than buttons) voice commands and slight gestures (maybe).
It's got to be integrated right. Â It's got to be subtle, optional, and it has to have a benefit over buttons. Â It's got to work in tight quarters and in low light conditions. Â It has to pick up voice without shouting and gestures without exaggerated or repeated motions.
If all that can be done, and I think with what I've seen so far it can, Kinect V2 may well be worth it. Â If not, well, it will be facing the wall with black tape over the lens.
This is my exact problem. Is the kinect required for the X1 to work or is it a separate entity from the Xbox? Not clarifying this made me pre order the PS4. If it was an option I probably would've went X1 for my launch console but they didn't. I'll wait a year or so and then purchase it.Its not a deal breaker for me. M$ said that a person can turn it off. But so many questions come up, about the kinect having to be connected to the system. What if the cord gets broken, chewed on (by a dog or cat), or the Kinect just fails, will the Xbox not work? Will I still be able to play games? I think that is why many fans are in an uproar.
I'm not sure if M$ answered questions about the Kinect breaking and how the Xbox will react to a broken Kinect.
I never wanted it. Why should I pay more for something I don't want? MS should've gave the option to sell the console without Kinect. Now the competition is selling their console with better hardware for $100 cheaper. RoslindaleOneLet's say the Kinect 2.0 is still mandatory, but the price is dropped down to about $450 possibly $400. Is it only that extra bit on the price tag that bothers you, or the Kinect itself? A lot of people have gotten really paranoid when it comes to the whole "Xbox is spying on you" deal. nope. it can't be unhooked, games are built with it in mind (don't like kinect) and i don't want to game like that - ever. no deal
I never wanted it. Why should I pay more for something I don't want? MS should've gave the option to sell the console without Kinect. Now the competition is selling their console with better hardware for $100 cheaper. RoslindaleOneLet's say the Kinect 2.0 is still mandatory, but the price is dropped down to about $450 possibly $400. Is it only that extra bit on the price tag that bothers you, or the Kinect itself? A lot of people have gotten really paranoid when it comes to the whole "Xbox is spying on you" deal. nope. it can't be unhooked, games are built with it in mind (don't like kinect) and i don't want to game like that - ever. no deal They will never make a non-kinect driven game where you have to use kinect. Where do you guys get this stuff?
Hell NO! microsoft is doing the right thing my including the kinect with the console. sonys PS eye will fail hard even when they dump lots of money on it. Not just because im saying so, it more like every body complaining about teh xbox camera. Even if the ps4 was 299, i would not buy it at launch. < dont take that last part personaly.Â
[QUOTE="Exiled_Badger"]The Kinect is now a part of the console people, get used to it.Videodoggor NOT That is your argument? The Kinect is very vital to the experience of the new Xbox One. First off, it allows you to use voice commands (e.g. to turn the console on and off) only providing for more convenience. Also, it allows you to voice-over any gameplay that you have decided to record and share. Those are only (and not all) things that Microsoft did with it. There is no telling what these game developers will do with it. Also, have you heard of the Illumi-room?
[QUOTE="tribalTox"]This is my exact problem. Is the kinect required for the X1 to work or is it a separate entity from the Xbox? Not clarifying this made me pre order the PS4. If it was an option I probably would've went X1 for my launch console but they didn't. I'll wait a year or so and then purchase it.Its not a deal breaker for me. M$ said that a person can turn it off. But so many questions come up, about the kinect having to be connected to the system. What if the cord gets broken, chewed on (by a dog or cat), or the Kinect just fails, will the Xbox not work? Will I still be able to play games? I think that is why many fans are in an uproar.
I'm not sure if M$ answered questions about the Kinect breaking and how the Xbox will react to a broken Kinect.
I would like them to clarify what would happen to the Xbox, if the Kinect broke.
I have read an article online when M$ got asked this question and they stated, "Xbox one is still in development and we are excited to share more over the coming months, but we don't have anything further to share at this time".
The article was on some website called I don't know how reliable the site is, and their stories, but I'm hoping the Kinect, after the backlash from people, will not be mandatory. Just like the 24hr check-in fiasco.
I'm sorry, I don't know how to link. I just googled, "what happens to the xbox one if kinect breaks" and if was the first thing that came up.
That is your argument? The Kinect is very vital to the experience of the new Xbox One. First off, it allows you to use voice commands (e.g. to turn the console on and off) only providing for more convenience. Also, it allows you to voice-over any gameplay that you have decided to record and share. Those are only (and not all) things that Microsoft did with it. There is no telling what these game developers will do with it. Also, have you heard of the Illumi-room?Exiled_BadgerThat's another thing I'm waiting to see. Is how well third-party developers will be able to integrate the Kinect 2.0, if they even do. I would love to see it included in ways that aren't REQUIRED, but can add a lot to the experience. For example, it'd be cool if you could be playing, say, a first-person shooter, still with your controller, and use the Kinect to say commands. Telling soldiers or other NPCs to do something in the game and they fulfill that request would be really cool if you ask me, yet you would still have the option to turn it off, or not use the Kinect at all while playing. And on the Illumi-room, won't you need an additional projector for that to work?
It's a deal breaker for me.. and not even because it adds $100 to the system price, but because it's a spying device. Just wait until you see articles of arrests being made based on what the kinect see's and hears.Rattlesnake_8
Although I doubt that would ever happen, I'd be fine with people getting arrested for getting caught doing things they shouldn't be doing. Here's an idea be an honest and good citizen and you wouldn't have to worry about stuff like that :O
if the xbox wont work if the kinect is diconnected then that might be a problem. Other than that the problem is its 500 with it but if it was 400 with the kinect i think the xbox one will do much better. I believe when Ms see nobody buying they will lower the price like ps3 did and sales will pick up. I will most likely pick a launch edition knowing this but im fine with that
Let's just hope they aren't too hard-headed.if the xbox wont work if the kinect is diconnected then that might be a problem. Other than that the problem is its 500 with it but if it was 400 with the kinect i think the xbox one will do much better. I believe when Ms see nobody buying they will lower the price like ps3 did and sales will pick up. I will most likely pick a launch edition knowing this but im fine with that
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