So, my 360 has been broken for the 3rd time (3 Red Lights... again) . Before I used to go to Best Buy and get a exchange right away since I had(still have) the product replacement plan for 2 years !! I got my 360 in January 2007 (Holiday bundle),
So I wait in line for 1 hour, then I wait even more since they were "busy", the customar service sends me to Geek Squad, then they take a look at my receipt and box, then they say that they cant exchange it themselves (because of the date i got this or some stupid thing)since Microsoft gave this new plan to them. They guy gives me a receipt called "Manufactorers Express Exchange Plan" (has a bunch of numbers), the guy told me it would take a few days, he said Microsoft will send me a new 360 in a few days then I will put my 360 in the box they would send me. It sounded fine.
I go home, call Microsoft support, they tell me they dont know anything about plans with Best Buy, then I ask them if they have a "Express Exchange" plan, they told me (the agent even talked to his manager) that they dont even have a express exchange plan. They ONLY have the repair that will take 3 weeks (regular repair, and the numbers BB gave me didnt help)!!!
I am REALLY pissed, not much at Microsoft but at Best Buy, this is ridiculous, i BOUGHT an 2 year replacement plan from Best Buy, they told me if anything happens they would exchange it right away.
So right now Best Buy wont exchange or repair my 360 even though i BOUGHT the stupid plan, they gave me the "Express Exchange" **** which wasnt even usefull, and Microsoft takes 3 weeks to repair.
If anyone has expirenced this or works at Best Buy , PLEASE tell me.
Thanks for reading.
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