*Ahem* Alrght fellahs, get out your last chuckles now. Yes, I'm a PC guy on a 360 forum... Awkward.. Rather than waging war w/ ye console-ers, I am here on a mission to decide whether or not the Xbox is the console for me. 'course, I'm gonna suck balls with those controllers til I finally get used to joysticks, but content is the real deciding factor here.. That whole "The PC has better grafx" argument is getting old. Both look good, both play well, so who gives? I wanna know if all of Microsoft's marketing is worth it. I'm not a huge Halo fan, but I hear about all these exclusives and how the consoles have far less lag and bugs than the PC. I wouldnt get a PS3 cuz well.. The 360 is supposed to be much better.
I want to keep my PC, but also have a 360 w/ Live Gold. I know I would get games like Conviction & Assassins Creed series on the 360, but thats like four games... Not much, in other words. Since I'm no Halo nut or Gears of War fanboy, what features of the 360 would really entice me? I alrdy like the idea of playing splitscreen MP, having less bugs in my CoD, no pesky DRM to worry about, and more demos but rly... I feel like there should be something else, something to make me consider a $300 console + controllers + Live subscription etc.
P.S - I'm a shooter fan; I play mostly first-person shooters, but I enjoy third-person as well.. if thats any help...
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