True to a certain extent. The higher your gamer score, the more time you've spent playing your 360. The more time you've spent playing your 360, the less time you've spent doing other, more productive things. On the other hand, it is false to a point as well. Some people have had their console for longer than others. Some people have just played a lot of games with very simple achievements (sports games come to mind). Some people are just plain, flat out, better at games than others.
[QUOTE="nocoolnamejim"]True to a certain extent. The higher your gamer score, the more time you've spent playing your 360. The more time you've spent playing your 360, the less time you've spent doing other, more productive things. On the other hand, it is false to a point as well. Some people have had their console for longer than others. Some people have just played a lot of games with very simple achievements (sports games come to mind). Some people are just plain, flat out, better at games than others. Well put.
a friend of mines had his 360 since launch and i got mines on thanksgiving of 2006. his gamerscore is 500 points higher than mines. he thinks he's beating me. what a n00b.
false..havign a higher gamerscore has nothing to do with you have no life. people can gamesave for one so they can instantly get a 1000 in any game that can be gamesaved and they might not even play thier xbox's that much.
false.. i play everyday and i have a gamerscore of 8k something, and im popular at school, have a girlfriend and o out with friends mostly every dayÂ
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