UT III will not sell good on 360

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#51 andyboiii
Member since 2006 • 13628 Posts
just about everyone who plays online shooters on 360 will buy it.MikeV192

mos def
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#52 jdknight21
Member since 2006 • 3282 Posts
It will sell fine.  It will sell more on PC but I can still see it joining the 360s million seller club.  You have some people that prefer controller and 360 over their PC, and you have some that will take that route because of achievements.  While a large number will prefer KB/M and user created mods not limited to the ones introduced through XBL.  I'm still up in the air because achievements and playing on-line on the 360 are great, but you always run the risk of the on-line being dead in a few months with console on-line MP.
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#53 TheCrazed420
Member since 2003 • 7661 Posts

I've honestly heard this a million times. There must be a couple die hard pc fans out there who keep posting about this.

Unreal will sell great on 360 if it has great online. I say this because most 360 owners like online fps. I could never imagine playing a fps with a keyboard and mouse that would just feel akward and stupid. And besides, what would be the point of playing with the keyboard and mouse if it gives you an unfair advantage over those playing with handheld controllers? What would be the fun and challange in that? The reason I play fps on consoles is because imo it takes more skill and makes the game more challanging , therefore increasing the replay value. Especially in games like Perfect Dark Zero that have no auto aim. By the way Perfect dark zero is still the best game on the 360 imo. And rare better make a sequel or a new fps title for 360.


Wow, you should really try it before thinking that. Trust me, when you've played FPS's on KB/M for a while, it definitely does not feel awkward and stupid. You would never want to go back to that controller more like it...

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#54 V_Zarnold_N
Member since 2006 • 1272 Posts
Its probably going to release right near Halo 3's release so theres no way it will do good in sales.The Unreal games for Xbox sold like crap and no game can compete with Halo 3.How good do you think it will sell?jimmygrace
regardless of whether or not halo 3 comes out at the same time... i will be 140 dollars poorer because i plan on buying them both...