1) How old were you when you started playing violent video games?
I think possibly around the time I was 5, but I honestly am not sure. I played Mortal Combat, Goldeneye, and a few other slightly less violent ones as my first violent games, such as TLOZ: Ocarina of Time, and Super Smash Bros, and Megaman games.
2) How old are you now?
Only 16
3) Have you noticed more agressiveness after playing these video games?
If I get stuck on the same part for hours or something, then maybe, but thats only when i'm already in a bad mood, and it never turns into anything bad besides maybe some yelling. Honestly, i'm far LESS violent than I used to be, and I play far more violent video games than when I was younger, and used to get into fights a lot at primary school and middleschool, even went to a school the equivalent of a child corrections facility in the amount of security and violence among people there for a while. But i'm now a very peaceful and intelligent man, who weighs everything he hears on logic and bases all of his views on what can be proven or is logical.
4) What is your stance on this subject. Do you think that video games can instill violent behavior in people?
I believe that violence in video games can cause violence in people, but far less than other things such as the way you are brought up or influences of others. If you are playing them from a young age and don't have responsible parents to teach you the difference between video games and real life, then maybe. But that is the fault of the parents, not of the child. For adults, who are supposedly mature and also aren't as easily swayed by new opinions or by things in videogames or anything else, it shouldn't change anything, and if it does make them more violent it is more likely due to their own violent nature.
Parents should protect their children, and not allow young children to play violent video games, and if they do play them they should make sure they are able to handle it and distinguish it from the real thing. Parents who try to protect their children from things they do not even have knowledge of are idiots on their own, and i've seen plenty of them. Luckily, my own parents are not completely ignorant, so I have been able to grow up in an environment not pushing views of religion or personal opinions, an environment encouraging me to make my own decisions, and this is the environment all parents should create, not one where they force views on their children that they don't have any proof of being right besides word of mouth, in this case idiots and activists who know nothing about the games they bash.
If I ever have children myself, I will teach them to follow their own hearts, and to think independantly instead of being influenced by ANYONE who does not have anything to back them up with. And people who say video games cause violence without experiencing this themselves or without any proof are as bad as parents who force religion on their children with no proof other than a book and others who believe it who also learned it from the same book(s), or from people having hallucinations/dreams inspired by the book(s) or by word of mouth from people who read the book(s), or who say killing living creatures is ok as long as they aren't humans just because THEIR parents said so, or people who say others should suffer because they have to, and so on and so forth. It really is quite sad and pathetic, but unfortately most people in the world are ignorant to everything they believe in, and this is the truth with anyone who bashes video games as well.
5) What do you think of activists like Thompson and Clinton?
I believe that activists that say bad things about ANYTHING without first hand experience or who are not well informed are complete idiots. The sadder part is parents who believe what they hear when they don't even know the legitimacy of what they are being told or what is implied about video games or anything else.
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