see, iv'e played kane and lynch once! and yes it's a bad game . and i dont' give a fawk is my acc gets suspended. Jeff was just being honest and telling the truth about the damn game for christ sakes. he can't just lie so the game would sell. I mean come on, just get real with it gamespot. Edios haven't shown us ANY good games yet so far this generation. but for only 1 game and ONE bad game only you..then fire one of the best guys on gamespot? well, you might as well cancel on the spot. cuz people like watching jeff talking and his humour. so guys can shove the all up your A$$ and Edios suck. i'm not saying it suck because of jeff being fired. i'm saying IT sucks PERIOD!~!!
P.S Tomb Raider is an ok EDIOS stop making them it's getting boring. might as well not make games AT ALL!
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