My Xbox wont read any of my disc...i dont know what i should do so any info about it would be great..and if there is a thread for this or something srry, dont care jst want help. thanks
1) Wait it out (maybe a week) and see if it will read the discs then.
2) Go to your local console repair center and ask them to take a look at it. They can probably fix any problem to do with Xbox 360 except for the RROD.
3) Send it in for repair if you have a warrenty.
If I were you, I would go with those steps in that order, because I would consider sending it in to Microsoft as a default option, but the first two options should probably help you out.
You'll have to call (800) 4MY-XBOX and get it repaired/replaced. I don't know when you got your console so I don't know if it will still be covered by the Warranty. You may have to pay for repairs/replacement. The extended 3 year warranty on all 360 consoles only covers the Red Ring of Death.
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