[QUOTE="nyc05"] [QUOTE="Crash6"]Anything over 20k is in nerd rangeStrife88
What exactly makes that person a nerd? I for one have a girlfriend, work full time, go out several nights a week and spend lots of time with friends and family, yet I have a gamer score of 28,000+. How do you explain my situation then? How about the other guys here who are in similar situations? I would love to hear your explanation for this.
28k is mad high man. that means you play a lot of kids games and I doubt you're 10, which is who most of those gameswere developed for. I stay away from any game like that so even though you go out and enjoy everything you're playing a lot of lame games.Kids games? Look at my freakin' gamer card. I play Chromehounds, Hitman, BioShock, Oblivion, Two Worlds, Burnout, Gears of War, Rainbow Six, Call of Duty, Condemned, Prey, Just Cause, Far Cry and tons of other non kid games. I don't have the Burger King games, I don't have Viva Pinata, so what are these kids games you speak of? Perhaps you should have done some research on my games before you say I must play lots of kids games.
So now that you know I don't play kids games, and I don't sit home playing all day, what's your reasoning?
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