Okay, so heres how this will work. Copy the persons list above you, and then add you're ideas to it, so we have one gigantic list.
My wants are...
1.Less shots to kill someone. I mean 20 M60 shots and the guys sitll alive? That needs changing.
More accurate weapon stats. Are you telling me that the M16does the most bullet damage out of any assualt rifle?The guin that is notorious for lacking stoppping power?And that the SCAR, and AK 74 can shoot as fast as an uzi? No, just no/
3. More people on a map. Not to many more, but maybe 30-32 people. Sometimes it takes for ever to find someone.
4. Lower the power of semi-auto snipers, and raise the power of bolt actions. I chest shot or head shot, should be a one hit kill, such as in games like CoD, which has the sniper one shot kill thing down pat.
5.Make it so youhave to look down the sights with all guns. Its so easy to get headshots with a SMG, becuase you dont have to look down the sites.
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