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Just bought ODST to get ready for the Reach Beta. I had Halo 3 way back before my first xbox died, but hadn't bought it since because I always play it at my cousins so it feels good to own Halo again. Oh, & Dishwasher Dead Samurai. Awesome game, though hard as hell.
i LOVE this game, but you're right. it's pretty damn hard. it took me a while to beat it.
The Last Remnant but I believe I will juggle that with Tales of Vesperia or Star Ocean The Last Hope.
I'm playing Oblivion. Im going to try to stick with my character and not start over for the 6th or so time. I'm also playing the first Mass Effect for the second time, mostly for the achievments I missed. Far Cry 2 can be alot of fun too.
MW2, AVP, resident evil 5 gold edition cus i nvr got around to getn that game so now i have the full game.
I'm playing Battlefield: BC2, Street Fighter 4 and the first Mass Effect just to make the whole story better for part 2.
Completed recently: Dante's Inferno and Uncharted 2.
Determined to finish: Final Fantasy 13 and Heavy Rain. God of War 3 will be added to this list soon =P
Casually playing: Resident Evil 5 (PS3) (majority of it co-op, if possible) My PSN ID: Spartan2530 - send me a friend request with message if interested =)
Will get around to: Resistance 2, Infamous, Killzone 2, and the last mission of Dead Space (Hahaha =P )
Games I want and plan to buy - Battlefield Bad Company 2
Red Faction: Guerrilla. Feel like lots of the missions call for kamikaze tactics, which is fun but also furstrating. Would've completed the thing weeks ago otherwise.
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