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Like SF4, is the first game since I was 11 to make me want to throw a controller at a wall, getting spammed by the CPU freekin Seth frustrates me. grrrrr!
gears of war, only because some days ill be getting 10 popshots in a row and other days ill go 5 rounds withought a kill...
I am so glad this topic was made. I have just spent the last hour and a half trying to play a game that a previously gave up on. That game is Assassins Creed. It is easily the worst first 2 hours of ANY game EVER made. Epically "AAA" titles. And after that it doesn't get any better. This game makes my skin crawl. From it horrible controls to how bad the story is and how they made it Sci Fi. For some reason i cannot turn off the tips and hints that pop up in my screen. i turned everything off, it still comes up. Game makes me almost sick to my stomach because i get so mad at it.
other then that horrendous game, COD 4 brings out a mean side in me. But only to team killers. I HATE team killers.
best advice past it and get rid of it. that game is horrible its like walking around the same block over and over again.
I'd have to say gears. People who don't have mics and run off to get a weapon that is guard by 5 guys.
I've got to go with sports games like Madden or Need For Speed series. I get totaled pissed at those games some times!!!!
any cod in MP. omg i get pissed. i swear, i yell, i blame it on anyone. broke a controller playing it. i haven't touched either of them in a month or so so i have been enjoying gaming a lot more recently. too bad MW2is gonna be rly good
Ninja Gaiden 2.
CoD WaWs veteran...
Kid Icarus(I have 8+ hours of playtime and I'm stuck on the 1st dungeon, but I haven't played it in a good year)
Cod on veteran and Gears 2...I had to quit gears of war because its so cheap and i started to break things.....
BIOSHOCK when a big daddy kills you and the big daddy is low on health. then the little ister gets away and you have to find her.depressing
Probabley games like Call Of Duty and sometimes GH/RB games where I cant beat a song. I get mad a swear and then I do worse!
Surprised no one has said The Mile High Club on Veteran in CoD 4 I head CoD 4 Veteran but getting that Achievment pissed me off I kept calm for like 10 mins.... then I just flipped out after every death.
Gears of War. This is the only shooter where I literally experienced failure. Never in any shooter had I used decent tactics and failed miserably. All you do is rush for some sort of power weapon and if you don't get one, just hope that your chainsaw, melee, shotgun or lol pistol will save you. Not to mention I seriouslynever encountered consistent, fluidgameplay. Everything in that game is uncertain and random at best. I rushed up to some guy and didnt even aim with my shotgun, but somehow I got a headshot.Another game I rush a guy with shotgun, shot him at pointblank range, thenhe flips around like he is having a seizure, melees me twice, and I am dead. Yeah screw that game. Any other game you shotgun someone at pointblank range, they will die no questions asked.
Geometry Wars (1 and 2). Curse those high scores.
Surprised no one has said The Mile High Club on Veteran in CoD 4 I head CoD 4 Veteran but getting that Achievment pissed me off I kept calm for like 10 mins.... then I just flipped out after every death.
I don't understand why people found it so difficult. I think everyone just mindlessly rushes into everything and just dies instantly. Sure, it takes a few tries but after a few tries you should notice the errors in your ways.
For single player I would have to go with racing games. They always start off easy for me then at about half way the npcs drive like UFOs and no matter how much I fix up my cars the npcs are always faster. "Pine Creek and Douglas on NFS Undercover", and I love midnight club LA but the races are starting to get out of hand on that game to. I won't even touch mario kart now.Oh and that part on RE5 with the
*spoiler alert*
chainsaw zombie. I just can't seem to kill him before he gets me or my partner. I'm pretty much stuck on this game until I can beat him.
For multi-player it would be a tie between CoD: WaW and L4D. L4D due to lack of players who just want to play for fun, and WaW only when I'm fighting people so good I'm dead about every 3 or 4 seconds after I respawn. Repeated usage of dogs and artillery strikes can get annoying to.
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