hey people i wanna ask you some question. i have a normal TV and im confused about the graphic quality of the games, what is better for a normal tv ? PS3 or xbox 360 ? pls awnser my question. i will be very apreciated. and sorry for my bad english.
hey people i wanna ask you some question. i have a normal TV and im confused about the graphic quality of the games, what is better for a normal tv ? PS3 or xbox 360 ? pls awnser my question. i will be very apreciated. and sorry for my bad english.LeGacY_XIII
Well when I first got them I had a regular TV and PS3 looked much worse to me thats my opinion.
I think the 360s win here. I remember Criterion (makers of Burnout) posted on their site about how the PS3 version of Burnout Paradise where to get the same SD quality as the 360 version (this was way after the release of the game), which certainly makes it seem as the 360 takes better care of the Standard Definition.
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