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haha i git alot of **** for this but i'd say the first time i used the hammer of dawn in halo. so yea the hammer of dawn. the lightning gun from killzone 2 is crazy too.waydesaffield
Wait Halo has The hammer of dawn?
This one is topping my list just because it's recent but the grenade launcher from Far Cry 2, nothing puts a smile on my face like showing up at place in my Jeep, hopping out, taking one shot, killing three guys, blowing up a shed and knocking over a tree in a tower of flames and smoke.
Also the P90 from Rainbow 6 Vegas
Edit: I hardly played Unreal Tournament 3 because I just borrowed it from a friend, but the week or so I had with the game, I enjoyed one weapon much much more than most of the others, The FLAK CANNON, and I'm kind of surprised not to see it in an honorable mention at all in this thread, that weapon is truly brutal, *sighs and daydreams about the first time I was called 'God-like' by a video game*
The Cerebral Bore from Turok 2: Seeds of Evil.SonicX_89
I was shocked at how far this thread went without a single mention of the Cerebral Bore - no weapon even compares to the satisfaction it gives....I have to assume anyone that didn't list it has never played T2.
[QUOTE="SonicX_89"]The Cerebral Bore from Turok 2: Seeds of Evil.Godfail
I was shocked at how far this thread went without a single mention of the Cerebral Bore - no weapon even compares to the satisfaction it gives....I have to assume anyone that didn't list it has never played T2.
Cerebal Bore from Turok 2 on n64. It was really cheap, and that was part of it's charm.jmartin1016I didn't think anyone else would remember that weapon, or that game. Nice to see someone else who thinks the same way.
Wrench - Bioshock
Never has a brutal melee weapon been so integral to an FPS :P It really feels nasty as you hear the thud.
Not quite. Remember the flashlight from Doom 3?
Well as this is a 360 sight I would say the crossbow on BioShock--one shot wonder.
However if I had to go with another system the Golden Gun from Goldeneye.
I was shocked at how far this thread went without a single mention of the Cerebral Bore - no weapon even compares to the satisfaction it gives....I have to assume anyone that didn't list it has never played T2.
Cerebal Bore from Turok 2 on n64. It was really cheap, and that was part of it's charm.jmartin1016I didn't think anyone else would remember that weapon, or that game. Nice to see someone else who thinks the same way. Look in the first page....Shredder from Turok 2 Seeds of Evil....great game nad great weapons selection: Shredder, Explosive barrel shotgun, Charge Dart Rifle, Warblade, Scorpion Missile Launcher, Razor Wind, Mine thrower (dont remembet the name) Flamethrower, Nuke and of course the Cerebral Bore
Cerebral Bore from Turok 2. For those not familiar, it was a weapon that shot these horseshoe crab looking thingys that burrowed into the enemies head, sending out fountains of goo. Great stuff.WardCleaver02they drill the enemies brain, and then they explode
gears is not an fps.
I you haven't noticed, some people tend to use "FPS" to refer to the entire shooter genre.
if you have not noticed a game based in the 3rd person is not a FPS. i dont care what people "tend" to say, because there wrong. oh wait... sound like a old timer but for me the lightning gun and rocket launcher from quake 1 and the chainsaw from doom(technically not a gun but fun as heck back in the day)Arkady_16
What about the Nail Gun from Quake 1? That'd have to be my favorite! I also remember a cow launcher or something for a south park game for the N64...
if you have not noticed a game based in the 3rd person is not a FPS. i dont care what people "tend" to say, because there wrong.
Are you one of those nitpickers that goes around to RPG threads, telling people that such-and-such game isn't an RPG because you don't "play a role" in it? Genre labels indicate a great many more things than the literal translation of two or three words.
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