Variety: Bioshock, Rainbow Six Vegas, Oblivion, Madden 07, Guitar Hero 2, Halo 2, RE4: Wii Edition, The Darkness, Gears of War, Dead Rising are just some of the games ive played this month
i usually play one story based game oneat a time... i like all games, i have played oblivion/gears/kameo/cod2/saints row/table tennis/basketball/baseball/soccer/boxing/racing and soon to get reg tennis..... as for sports i play em all the time... the story based games i dont like playing more then one at a time... unless its like one ood game then one game where i could care less abuot and i just do for specific things i.e. right now im playing splinter cell da... i have the darkness which i havent started but im playing Just Cause for whenever i feel like jumping out of a helicopter..
Combo gamer really. I like variety but once I get a new game I usually just play that for a decent amount of time and then go back to some of my other games until I get another new one to play for a week or two straight.
Im a Variety kinda guy, though there are some Game Genres I don't like, like Sports and Puzzle games...But FPS's, RPG's, Action, Adventure, 3rd Person, Fighting games, Ect. But I mostly Like Games with Good Storys and Characterslike (Recently) Bioshock, Gears of War, Final Fantasy. My Favorite are RPG's though :P
i'mvariety to the extreme. i'm activly playing like 10 different games in a day lol. i still haven't beat bioshock, i play forza 2, gh2, crackdown, GeOW, I still haven't gotthe first 1000 acievements in oblivioun, i'm aiming for all the achievements in castlevania, hexic (i gave up in geometry wars lol)i still whip out dead or alive 4, nba 2k7, and pgr 3 from time to time. not to mention i still haven't beat pokemon for the ds, i'm trying to collect everything in yoshi's island, beat all the puzzles in picross, i just got advance wars. i've also been revisiting a donkey kong country, link to the past, super metroid, and crono trigger for the snes. i need to stop buying videogames for a year straight lol. i have a lot of fun like this though.
One at a time, ill play a game untill ive done all there is too it, if that means gaining the 1k achievements, completing all the story line, etc..then ill move on, ive been playing guitar hero 2 for about 10-11months now.
i usually pick up used games one at a time now or two the most. Play them really slowly, then move on to the next one. Currently still playing Call of Duty 3 & Need For Speed Most Wanted. By the time the holidays arrive i'll pick up the bigger titles when most of them will probably all go on sale.
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