I was reading some developer diaries the other day and am sick and tired of game developers talking about "creating a cinematic experiance for the player" you the hell made that the number one priority in video games. For me and generally speaking for everyone, gameplay is what is important. You look at what has sold: Guitar Hero series, and Rock Band respectivley, Halo 3, CoD4, the Wii. All of these things has asomething in common and thats the fact that they can be played for very long periods of time the developer didn't spend time trying to create some huge emotional experiance the first time you play a big venue in guitar hero. Now some will say Halo3 and CoD4 were cinematic in nature but I am talking about the multiplayer because thats what most people play. To make a good game is to keep the play involved over a length of time not just the 20 hours it takes to go through a story. It wouldn't hurt to enable the player either, by that I mean high levels of customability in some way and the ability to have a certain satisfaction with what you have accomplished. Could it hurt to give unlockable content if you unlock the achievments. Cause ohhhh i got 40,000 gamerpoints...... who really gives a crap. That and more free stuff on x-box live, it would drive people to explore the content in the marketplace. Anyway sometimes developers seem pretty stupid and I had to say somethin
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