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Greatest combination of two weapons: The Lancer (Gears of War).
Most effective: Fuel bomb from Mercenaries.
Best stealth weapon: The hidden blade from AC.
Most useful power: Time manipulation in POP: The Sands of Time Trilogy.
Most creative (at the time): The Gravity gun from Half Life.
Most BA: The Blades of Chaos (God of War).
Most Humorous: A ton of weapons from Super Smash Bros.
In answering the question, "What is the BEST video game weapon?" a lot of people have responded with weapons that are iconic, yet not all that powerful.
On the other hand, some people went for power, notably with the BFG9000 from Doom, and the Redeemer nuke from Unreal.
the BFG 9000 from Doom!
The BFG from the original DOOM !
Big **** Gun 9000 from Doom
UT 2004 - Redeemer. Portable nuke, how can you lose?
how about the nuke missile that you can control in unreal tournament??
In terms of destructive ability, there's a lot to be said for a weapon that can clear out an entire courtyard, killing dozens of enemies. As always when discussing powerful weapons, I like to bring up what I consider to be the most powerful weapon in a shooter: The Sigil of the One God. Check out all its Doom-engine majesty:
Appearing in 1996 the cult hit, Strife, the player spends most of the game on a quest to find all the pieces of the Sigil. When completed, the weapon is unstoppable. It fires a giant missile that will kill anything but end-game bosses in one hit. In its flight path, the missle fires off dozens of lighting bolts to the sides, which are individually powerful enough to kill most bad guys. The caveat is that the Sigil uses your health as ammo, so you can't screw around.
On a final note:
Also Darkness powers from The Darkness... You could rip someones heart out and eat it. That has to count for something.
I just got Darkness, but I haven't played it yet. If we're going to talk about powers in a shooter, how about Requiem: Avenging Angel? In addition to your considerable arsenal, you can blast enemies with holy lighting, drive them mad so they begin shooting all their buddies, possess them, cause locusts to consume them, and turn enemies into pillars of salt. That's hardcore.
I do not know if any one will remember this, but FF 8 Squall's ultimate weapon it gave you that incredibly awesome limit break.
or The Claws of Ninja Gaiden 2 - honestly how many video games protagonist have blades on their feet and use them for decapitation.
Blades of Athena from God of War, Pandora's Box from DMC4, Gravity Gun from HL2, Cereberal Bore from Turok, that hidden suitcase thingy from the old Perfect Dark, Flack Cannon from UT series, that Hammer-weapon from Gears, BFG from Doom... There are soooo many! But really the Shrinkray Gun from Duke Nukem owns all!
Cerebral Bore- Turok 2
BFG- Doom
This man has won the thread. Everybody else cease and desist.
It's either that or the gun that makes people explode from Duke Nukem. The Expand Ray? I think.
the bfg from doom or the doom rick roll gun (search for it on youtube)ablance82
Let me just warn a couple of people here... he wants us to go and find rick roll on youtube, where you will find a video of rick astley with his song called "never gonna give you up" and when you watch that video it is called getting rick rolled... just for the people who didnt know this already!
Bond's gun (The .32 Walther PPK) is a piece of crap. Unreliable too.
He should never have taken it from Q, should've stuck with the Beretta he had originally.
Pimp Hat - Saints Row
Throwing Knifes - Golden Eye 007
Shrinking Ray - Duke Nuke'm 3D
Jackhammer - SOCOM II
Crowbar - Half Life 1-2
C4 - Battlefield 2/Modern Combat
[QUOTE="ablance82"]the bfg from doom or the doom rick roll gun (search for it on youtube)RubenNL
Let me just warn a couple of people here... he wants us to go and find rick roll on youtube, where you will find a video of rick astley with his song called "never gonna give you up" and when you watch that video it is called getting rick rolled... just for the people who didnt know this already!
No. Actually there is a Doom mod that includes a weapon called the Rick Roll Gun. It's a boombox that plays that song and damages enemies. It's actually quite funny. And it's NOT a Rick Roll. It really is funny.
Ahh! Another pointless thread testing ones knowledge about video games!
Anywho .. Gravity Gun From HL2 is probably the most iconic gun from video games!
Also the BFG 9000 from Doom!
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