Resident Evil 5.
Gears of War 2.
Star Wars Force Unleashed.
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-Gears of War 2 (5v5) :)
-Resident Evil 5 (Co-op) :)
-Fallout 3 (Post-Apocalyptic Oblivion) :)
-Fable 2 (Fable 1 was sick) :)
-Far Cry 2 (Looks Amazing)
-I Am Alive (Looks really interesting)
-NBA 2k9 (I think 2k Press Conference is Today)
-Madden 09
-Guitar Hero:World Tour & Rockband 2
-Shaun White Snowboarding
Should be a busy gaming year.... :)
-XBL Party & Avatars
Gears of War 2, Resident Evil 5, EndWar, The Darkness 2, Fallout 3, Doom 4, Final Fantasy 13, Bioshock 2, Dead Space, FIFA 09, GH Metallica, GH World Tour, Hitman 5, Left 4 Dead, Lego Batman, Mass Effect 2, Prince of Persia, Tiberium, Too Human and The Godfather 2.
So many games.Not enough money :(
1. Star Ocean 4
2. The Last Remnant
3. Infinite Undiscovery
1. Final Fantasy XIII
2. Final Fantasy Versus XIII
3. Kingdom Hearts 3
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